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Everything posted by GothicNicki

  1. You said "Activate Buttons"; do you mean something like the 'examine' button from the 'Hunter of the Commonwealth'? PS. I did forget the Hunter of the Commonwealth mod. Sorry. :(
  2. I forgot the Weaponsmith's INI file that does not include the Unique NPCs
  3. I do not believe so as i have used nearly all of the mods i am using before, the only new ones is the latest version of Horizon, Sector V, and the Looks Menu. I would happly supply my mod list if i could find it. Many thanks Nicki
  4. The issue surrounds the fact that at points I loose easy 'R' key access to dead bodies. Plus the list you get when just looking does not appear. It has happened on a number of occassions in my current modded playthrough and I am wondering if anyone else has suffered from the same and if so is their a way of fixing this? I do not know if this helps, but I did find the 'E' did the same in that i got the complete inventory list for the dead. Many thanks Nicki
  5. Is there a way members can delete the notification records for mods i have down loaded? Nicki
  6. I have been playing a pretty stable playthough a couple of years ago. I decided to have a mess around again using a similar base mod list as before. I am running Horizon as my base as i enjoy how it does the things it changes in the base game. This playthrough I have been finding it need Ctrl Alt Del level crash fix. Help me with this. Nicki PS. I am using NMM instead of Vortex as I dislike the way it does things and Loot is having real issues sorting the load order.
  7. I am having issues with the campaign in that i get to the post Smithon part 1 but am unable to activate the part 2 mission, please advise either how to activate it or move on to the next mission? Nicki
  8. Having played BT Tabletop back in the 90s and having a lot of the early source books i do enjoy playing BT game, but i also mod games to make them more interesting and fun. Modding BT is a joke, some of the mods do not have installation files, or just completely f*#@ the game up. I have lost count of the number of times i have had to download BT and it is getting to be a joke, but i am not laughing, i am fuming. :wallbash: If anyone else has found this, i pray for your sanaty.
  9. As I player and collector of the Battletech Table Top Game and seeing and watching playthoughs on Youtube does anyone know where the game stores the 3d files and textures I only ask as i am a 3d modeller and modder. Many thanks Nicki
  10. This is the second time my current game has experienced CDT crashes. I have had others, but those i put down to the length my game has been running and has over loaded things. This CTD Crash has happened at almost the same type of point, first time I was near Hurbis Comics; now it seems to take place close to Listening Post Bravo. I fixed it first time by dropping one of the mods i thought to be overloading the game and loaded a save from before i started the mod. I now think it might be more level based as it is happening when i am level 32. here is my mod list. (This is not my NMM plugin order) DLCCoast.esm DLCNukaWorld.esm DLCRobot.esm DLCworkshop01.esm DLCworkshop02.esm DLCworkshop03.esm 3dscopes-AddToSpawnList.esp 3dscopes-framework.esp 3dscopes.esp aC3KWorkingTitle.esp AirportWorkBench.esp AlternateFurniture.esp AlternateSettlements.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp America Rising - A Tale of the Enclave.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - AWKCR.esp Arbitration - Automatron AI.esp ArmorKeywords.esm AR_DLC01.esp autoweapons.esp Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp Better Locational Damage.esp Better Perks.esp Better VATS - 0.75.esp BetterJunkFences.esp BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp BountifulBoards.esp BTInteriors_Project.esp Cannabis Commonwealth.esp CBBE.esp ChemsPlus.esp Commonwealth Visual Overhaul.esp CompanionStatus.esp ConcordEXPANDED.esp CraftableAmmunition_Adjustable.esp CraftableAmmunition_FarHarbor.esp Crafting Workbench.esp Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Expanded.esp Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp CROSS_CosmeticFramework.esm CROSS_Uni_Headset.esp CSEMod.esp DarkerNights.esp dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force.esp DD_All_the_COncrete.esp DD_Khassar_De_Templari_Increased_build.esp Dogmeat A True Companion Vanilla.esp EFF.esp Extended weapon mods.esp Fallout Loot Overhaul.esp FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp funcweddingrings.esp g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp HagenEXPANDED.esp HUDFramework.esm Immersive Fallout - Movement (DLC).esp Immersive Fallout - Real Recoil (DLC).esp Immersive Fallout - Realistic ADS (DLC).esp ImmersiveGameplay.esp ImmersiveScrapping.esp ImmersiveScrapping_SeasonPass.esp ImmersiveVendors.esp IncreasedSettlerPopulation50.esp Introduction To NRC.esp Journal.esp KSHairdos.esp Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp Loads.esm Local Map Expanded (Zoom-out Ext. plugin).esp Locksmith.esp Logical Recipes.esp Loot Detector.esp LootableCars.esp LootableSkeletons - All DLC.esp LootableWorkbenches.esp Lootable_Supermutants.esp LootInVaultLockers.esp LR_APCFarHarborExspansion.esp LR_APCNukaWorldExspansion.esp LR_APCTransport.esp More Armor Slots - All Dlc.esp More Loot in Containers.esp Moref*#@inMeat.esp MoreScrappables.esp MoreSpawns_High.esp Move (Get Out the Way).esp Multiple Floors Sandboxing.esp NanoSuit.esp NanoSuit_AWKCR_AE.esp Nate US Army Reserve Equipment CR.esp NewCalibers.esp No Combat Boundaries.esp NukaWorldReborn.esp NWS_Barbara.esp OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla.esp OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla_mergedDLC.esp Oven Sesame.esp PD_LowerWeapon.esp PD_VisualReload.esp Pet - Call -Feed Dogmeat.esp plenty 'o' exploration.esp PortableContainer.esp PrimaryNeeds - Timescale 6.esp Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp Realistic Guns and Bullets Overhaul.esp Scrappable_Commonwealth.esm Settle-SRR.esp SettlementKeywords.esm subwayrunnnerdynamiclighting.esp TamatersAndTaters.esp TargetReconEyewear(NonReplacer).esp The Collector's Guides.esp TheMobileMechanic.esp Tracers - Light em up.esp Unique NPCs.esp UnlockedTrailersProject[uTP]v2.0.esp UrbanFoodExpanded.esp UsableCigarettes.esp Wastelander's Cookbook.esp WastelandWeaponOverhaul - Main.esp wastelandwoundcare.esp WeaponsHD.esp WestTekTacticalOptics.esp Wild Fruit Conversion v1.21.esp WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp WOTC.esp [VC-M] Voidcraft - Junktown.esp AA FusionCityRising.esp AllSetsExtended.esp Armorsmith Extended.esp AutomaticSave.esp AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp BetterSettlers.esp BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp Campsite-AWKCR.esp Campsite.esp CombinedExpansion4.1.esp CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp CROSS_Cybernetics.esp CROSS_Jetpack.esp DD_Prelude_273.esp Eli_Sanctuary Bunker.esp FHLeveledListIntegration.esp GetDirty.esp GlovesOfTheCommonwealth.esp HN66-SiriusArmor.esp HoloTime.esp Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp Homemaker.esm K9TacticalHarness.esp MAOC.esp Mercenary.esp MOAR Turrets.esp MODGirlyAnimation.esp Nate's Old Footlocker v1.2.esp NewRecipesFH-VIS.esp QuazVehicleOverhaul.esp SalemEXPANDED.esp Scouter_AWKCR.esp Scouter_V1.1_by_Ruddy88.esp Scrap Everything - Core.esp Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp ScrapScrap.esp Snap'n Build.esm SolsSixThousandCaps.esp SSEX.esp The Deadly Commonwealth Expansion.esp TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp TrueStormsFO4.esm UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp VendorCaps.esp Wasteland Baubles Loot Options.esp Wasteland Baubles.esp Weaponsmith Extended 2.esp 2 x XP.esp ACS LuisRoyoModule.esp ACS Master.esm ACS Master.esp ACS Paintings.esp AnotherLife.esp AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp AUG-A1.esp BattleRifle.esp BetterNightVision.esp BetterOpenSeason.esp BOUNTIESFORYOU.esp BreakTheWallsDown.esp BreakTheWallsDownFarHarbor.esp BreakTheWallsDownNukaWorld.esp BreakTheWallsDownVault88.esp BuildingBlocks-Foundations_SettlementKeywordsFull.esp BuildingBlocks.esm BullpupBozar.esp CartographersMapMarkers Commonwealth.esp CartographersMapMarkers FarHarbor.esp CartographersMapMarkers NukaWorld.esp ChineseStealthSuit.esp CHKFlora.esp City of Quincy.esp console.esp Craftable Adhesives.esp DD_bleu_Ump_Extreme_Lore_friendly_edition.esp DeadBodyCollision.esp Driveable Motorcycle Mod.esp DWUK_LexingtonInteriors.esp EMIB Side Buildings Only.esp EMIB.esp Enclave Resurgent.esp Farm.esp Farm_CP_ScrapEverything_UE.esp Farm_CP_VIS.esp fixedlair.esp G36Complex.esp HaxAUG.esp HoloTime_2.esp Home Plate Workbench Linked - Mechanists Lair Workbench.esp LegendaryModification.esp LegendaryModification2LM.esp LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp LegendaryModificationMisc.esp M2216.esp m82a.esp Meat.esp MODspider.esp NanoArmor.esp NanoArmor_AWKCR_AE.esp No more monochrome - Color setting for the Pipboy!.esp P90.esp P90NPC.esp PrimaryNeeds - NX Pro Farming Patch.esp ReconPack.esp Red Rocket Settlements.esp rings1.02.esp SCAR-L.esp Scrap annoying things.esp ScrapDeadThings.esp SeasonPass_IG_PATCH.esp SettleObjExpandPack.esp Settler Sandbox Overhaul.esp STL_WHEREAMI.esp TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp UnlimitedSettlementBudget.esp VaultDressersAndLockers.esp VenGhoulDog.esp vepsrewardsx2.esp vepsvendorscapsx6.esp Workshop Shipments Rebalanced.esp Z_Architect.esm Z_Horizon.esp Z_Horizon_DEFUI.esp Z_Horizon_DLC_All.esp Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn.esp Z_Horizon_Loot_Respawn_DLC.esp Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtended.esp Z_Horizon_Patch_ArmorsmithExtendedDLC.esp Z_Horizon_Patch_Homemaker.esp Z_Horizon_Timescale.esp Nicki
  11. does anyone know if a portable food sanitizer has been created for FO4 as there was one in fo3, i think it came as a part of FWE mod. if not then why not modders it would be good for it to be a part of FO4. i would have a go but i think it will likely need some scripting which is something i am not very good at. many thanks Nicki
  12. A question for users of UNP and CBBE body mods, which is better? I use CBBE in my play throughsbut looking at the various mods some use UNP and others use CBBE. I use mods that use CBBE my question is centered around compatibility and looks. Nicki
  13. thank you people :( but it seems to be fixed now as it was either the follower Commentary Overhaul or the relationship Commentary Overhaul .
  14. :mad: I hope someone can help me as it is really annoying me. my game is modded with around 180 mods i have had the same issue in all of my latest play throughs. The only difference when i have installed Skyrim is the game files fail to verify on each time i have installed. My character is Level 22, on bloodline quest, horn or windcaller retrieval quest and i have a number of other quests active. The issue is no talk options on NPCs, it seems to work on some, but not all. Something else is strange playing on my laptop no problems with initialating conversations. The only real difference is the mod list which is less mods being loaded and the OSs; Laptop-Windows 10, PC-Windows 7. Please help me with this as it is making want to do something bad at bethsoft. :mad: Nicki
  15. The issue surrounds using and suddenly not having the chat option appear on screen when i am standing right next door to them. It makes it very hard to progress as it effects everyone not a follower. If anyone knows to to fix this then please help as i have used it in the past and never had the problem. if it was early in my play through i would not be so annoyed. Nicki
  16. I hate the new search bar and the fact it is only three characters before dropping the list down. Have a search system but make it longer than three characters so the search can be better redefined. Nicki
  17. one question what the hell is LE? with the new version of nexus what are the mod names as searching for the numbers does not seem to work for me.
  18. Massive issue with Skyrim and infinate loading screen when loading a save. no problem when starting a new game. Yet with my laptop i have no problem when loading. this is really annoying when my PC is pretty powerful one, with an oct core 4gig hz, 24 gig memory, GTX 1060 and the gave is on an SSD, it is modded as if my laptop game. previous plays no problems at all. Nicki
  19. Situation - When i started playing i used both Ineed and RND. Now after playing for a while I stopped using Ineed and removed it from my mod list by saving, stopping Ineed from being loaded, reloaded and saved again before quiting and reloading my previous save. Yet I still have food items with Decent Meal (Ineed) and the RND meal descriptions. Does anyone know how to completely remove the Ineed food descriptions?
  20. I now have the error ATF is giving me when i recruit my first follower - AFT Warning: TweakRecruitNeutral missing parameter (mod conflict)
  21. Thanks for repling. i will look at going back to ATF as I do like the options you get with it. If that doesnot work then I will run load through TESEdit
  22. I am having an issue when recruiting followers namely I have one and when i attempt to recruit Lydia she stays in Dragon's Reach. I am using UFO at the moment but have had similar problem using AFT. Anyone know what is going on and if there is a fix?
  23. thanks you fixed the same problem i was having. Bloody ENB.
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