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Nexus Mods Profile

About BellChell1234

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. Don't be upset. I still trust your website, and will continue to always download my mods from here. I can't imagine how much work goes into just keeping it afloat, let alone safe.
  2. I recently downloaded and installed Hunterborn, and Realistic Needs and Diseases, along with other mods, for my game. When I first started, everything was running smoothly except for RND, which seemed to not be appearing at all, even if it was installed. No matter, I'll try out the other mods, then deal with it later. I tried to butcher a goat, and use Hunterborn. It worked until I tried to open my items menu. Then the whole game crashed with no warning to my desktop. I thought it might be because I clicked the option for Hunterborn and RND to work together, so I reinstalled RND and tried to play. NOW for some reason, I can't get either to show up on my MCM menu, and there seems to be no sign that they're even installed, save for NMM saying they are. I've tried reinstalling, starting a new game, and letting it sit for an hour to see if it would appear, but I can't get anything to work. Does anyone have any ideas, or should I just delete those two and move on? Thanks for any help someone might have!!!
  3. A mod is currently being made that will do this. So far you can get pregnant and have a kid, but he's adding onto it, bit by bit. Here's a link: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67423/?
  4. Just successfully had a boy and a girl! No bugs, no crashes, it all went smoothly! YAAAAY!!
  5. I'm sorry, but you were wrong!! It worked! I was able to see the dialogue! I'm going to go through the quest now!! Congrats, and good job!!
  6. Woof, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate!! LOL Let me know if there's anything you want to try or change. I'd be more than happy to do it.
  7. Yeah, some people are having the same problem, despite the new SEQ. kdridders (The creator of the mod) was asking if it worked a couple of posts back, so I think he's working on another. The mod is still in Beta, so problems and bugs are pretty common.
  8. Don't worry I had the same problem. XD Basically what you want to do is go to your SKYRIM/data/SEQ file and place it in there, if you don't have an SEQ file you can just create one in the data file. If you have SKSE you might just see the saves and SKSE file when you go through documents. What you want to do is open up the Nexus Mod Manager and click on the folder icon, there will be a drop down menu and you want to click on game folder. From there you will be able to see the data folder and you'll want to click that.
  9. Sorry! Our internet bonked out for a while. No, I wasn't able to get it to work once I installed it, and after I started a new game, etc.
  10. I've been using a BETA mod, and recently the mod maker released a new .SEQ file for dialogue that wasn't working. I've downloaded it, but I don't know how to install it. It doesn't appear when I try to open with NMM. I'm pretty new to modding, so if anyone knows anything any help would be appreciated.
  11. Unfortunately I'm still having trouble with the dialogue appearing. I've installed the update, and tried starting new games, but it's still being stubborn. sorry Sounds like you've really been working on this! This mod is going to be awesome when you're done with it!! :)
  12. Lately I've been having some trouble with the dialogue. For some reason I can't get it to show. When I downloaded the first release, "Let's talk my love" would show up every time. But after downloading the hotfixes, I can't get it to show up. I've tried restarting the game and creating a new player and with two different spouses, but it still won't show. Has anyone else had this problem?
  13. (Let me know if you don't want me posting questions like this on the forum. I wasn't sure.) Does the mod have a menu in SkyUI on the mod configuration menu? I thought I saw one in the pictures that were posted a few weeks ago, but I can't find one in my game.
  14. WOOOOHOOO! Downloading now!! Can't wait to play!!! :laugh:
  15. This has been really quiet lately. Any news on the mod?
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