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Everything posted by QuantumNano

  1. Is good well done a cookie for you..freaky cyborg :3
  2. Imo Overlord is one of the most fun games i've ever played, one of the few games that let's you be the evil guy for once...also epic spells which cause destruction and despair yes please.
  3. One does not simply change hair colour...oh wait.
  4. I am fine good sir how about you.
  5. Imagine all the things
  6. He's not the messiah he's a very naughty boy.
    1. naomis8329


      I like the new pic xxx
  8. Haters gonna hate trollers gonna troll bakers gonna bake and something or other
    1. Lazysheepherd


      So we modder's gonna mod huh!?


      Sounds good =P

    2. XxLunaMothxX


      Peekers gonna peek?
  9. *Does the weird spock hand gesture* Merry Christmas sorc and have an AWESOME new year ;D.
  10. Merry christmas and a happy shlurp to you.
  11. I used to be original...but then i took a skyrim to the knee
  12. Thanks for teh lovely comment on my profile hope your doing well:D
  13. It's a pie within a pie and the pie within a pie is a pie in another pie and the pie within a pie that is in another pie is a pie within a pie within a pie and the pie within in a pie that is in another pie that is also a pie within a pie within a pie is actually MEGA PIE
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brittn


      oh gawd! not a rhyme! o.o
    3. QuantumNano


      Just add a little sugar a huzzah we have pie
    4. Brittn


      no way! not another pie D:
  14. Now in oblivion Ayleid ruins where my favourite type of dungeons generally full of undead and dark welkynd stones and some nice treasure that made you say AWESOME. But in skyrim the Dwemer ruins have blown me away the little spiders the spheres and some funky chests aswell and the loot is very nice and i'm finding it hard to choose between the two but i wanted to know which do you prefer :)
  15. You have bacon on your face Mr Bond
    1. KennethKarl


      So it would seem, but you fail to see that my bacon has a built in LAZOR!! BLEEHHH!!
  16. I've always wanted the skull on the necromancer robes as a tattoo but a little fancier(better) and i was just wondering if anyone wanted to do there own take on it :)
  17. Vizharan is a dark elf who practiced blood magic and was once a member of the house telvanni in morrowind and a high ranking member at that he was sent on a mission to find out what the mages and necromancer had been up to in cyrodiil such as new spells enchantments or arcane artifacts but in his travels he came across a place known as echo cave as he wandered through the cave he came across a rather unusual room and some stairs and at the top of those was manimmarco king of the necromancers.Manimmarco did not take vizharans presence kindly and was quickly defeated but for some reason manimmarco could not turn vizharan into a worm thrall so instead he wiped his mind and left him on the coast of anvil and vizharan awakes with no memory of his past life....Then as he wandered around cyrodiil he came across an inn known as the Chattering scroll inn he entered in hope he would find someone who could help him recover his lost memory.
  18. I did one of these before and the suggestions where good last time now anyway..I am looking for suggestions for a new character and im open to anything(APART FROM KHAJIITS I HATE CATS) but yeah im open even an argonian warrior who is also a mage and has an obsession for cheese.
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