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Status Replies posted by QuantumNano

  1. It's a pie within a pie and the pie within a pie is a pie in another pie and the pie within a pie that is in another pie is a pie within a pie within a pie and the pie within in a pie that is in another pie that is also a pie within a pie within a pie is actually MEGA PIE
    1. QuantumNano


      Just add a little sugar a huzzah we have pie
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Got home from working to find I am allowed back on the nexus! Best day ever!
    1. QuantumNano


      oh its just KD dude you should really sort that face out you look like someone put a plama rifle to your face...and yes and it has been a while.
    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  3. Got home from working to find I am allowed back on the nexus! Best day ever!
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