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Posts posted by QuantumNano

  1. Now in oblivion Ayleid ruins where my favourite type of dungeons generally full of undead and dark welkynd stones and some nice treasure that made you say AWESOME. But in skyrim the Dwemer ruins have blown me away the little spiders the spheres and some funky chests aswell and the loot is very nice and i'm finding it hard to choose between the two but i wanted to know which do you prefer :)
  2. Vizharan is a dark elf who practiced blood magic and was once a member of the house telvanni in morrowind and a high ranking member at that he was sent on a mission to find out what the mages and necromancer had been up to in cyrodiil such as new spells enchantments or arcane artifacts but in his travels he came across a place known as echo cave as he wandered through the cave he came across a rather unusual room and some stairs and at the top of those was manimmarco king of the necromancers.Manimmarco did not take vizharans presence kindly and was quickly defeated but for some reason manimmarco could not turn vizharan into a worm thrall so instead he wiped his mind and left him on the coast of anvil and vizharan awakes with no memory of his past life....Then as he wandered around cyrodiil he came across an inn known as the Chattering scroll inn he entered in hope he would find someone who could help him recover his lost memory.
  3. I did one of these before and the suggestions where good last time now anyway..I am looking for suggestions for a new character and im open to anything(APART FROM KHAJIITS I HATE CATS) but yeah im open even an argonian warrior who is also a mage and has an obsession for cheese.
  4. Who is your favourite character in DAO any character even if its a NPC who is in the game for like 10 minutes i will start things of my favourite is loghain he is so badass and the voice acting for him is epic and he is just omg so coooool.
  5. Well, do what I did . . . Take your favorite race, (mine is Dunmer) and use some aspect of their homeland in your current game. Adrynn, as you know, is a Redoran Champion from Vvardenfell who came to Cyrodiil on the behest of his mentor, the Nerevarine . . . He has a deep hatred for evil, yet leads the Dark Brotherhood and has his own Daedric Island in Dagon's Deadlands . . . See the Irony? Do something similar. ;)


    my vamp will mess you stuff up...anyway i made my character so people dont have to give me suggestions now.

  6. ...Yeah so any suggestions just no bloody cat people.


    You sound like an Argonian LoL.


    "Im an undercover Khajiit in disguise, wanna see me lick my butt?"


    I think amusei says that ^ cant remember


    hahaha yeah i suppose you could say i sound like one but i dont like cats in general so therefore khajiits can lick there own arse...oh wait

  7. Well, it all comes down to this: What kind of character do you normally play? Combat? Magic? Stealth? Something in between? I can't really recommend anything you'd like since I don't know what you like. Maybe you should try a purely stealthy character that uses ranged weapons? Or maybe a battle axe-wielding mage (great fun, actually). Again, I don't really know what you'd like.


    Another idea: If you have Morrowind, start a new character and generate your class by speaking to Socucius Ergalla by answering his questions, which will assign you a class based on your answers. If you don't have Morrowind, you can use the same method with the Class Quiz.


    I like your idea the most so far and yes i do have morrowind and i dont really mind if its combat/magic/stealth or what race no khajiits though.

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