Hey everyone, I had the same exact problem and I was lucky enough to fix it (although I'm not sure what exactly did it) so I'll share my experience and, hopefully, it'll help in figuring out a fix: After getting a warning message from BOSS while re-ordering my mods, I uninstalled all 3 SoS (I had latest versions installed). That's when the constant freezing begun. Just like many others, I couldn't play for more than a few minutes without getting a 2-3 seconds freeze which got really annoying pretty quick... I'd like to point out that before uninstalling SoS I never experienced any bloated game save or freezing. Matter of fact, I would've never even known about this problem if BOSS didn't notify me about the issue with SoS. I, luckily, had a backup of all my mods and was able to re-install SoS but using the latest game save didn't seem to get rid of the constant freezes and even going back to earlier saves didn't seem to help. I tried everything i could think of and, finally, I remembered I had a backup of all my saves (about a month old but I haven't played much lately and it's better than starting a whole new game...) and I simply copied those into my saves folder, started the game, loaded the latest save from that early backup and ...it freakin' worked!!! All my mods are installed (I have about 50 installed, INCLUDING SoS) and no more freezing! I played for a while and I haven't experienced any freeze or game save bloating. The game runs flawlessly (well, as flawless as it can be...). Sorry if someone already posted a similar solution (I quickly read throught the 12 pages and didn't seem to find anything) and I hope this can help. :wink: