100% in favor of base games giving more consideration to the people playing them. While particular people do get wound up over political correctness (really, I'd say an equal number of people get wound up refusing to), the base concern is why, in a modern society, do we say we believe everyone is equal and then go and give a specific portion of the population more stuff? On the specific question of pipboy/pipgirl, this seems like a no-brainer to me. It's a pervasive graphical element present throughout the whole game; why shouldn't it reflect the person playing? It'd be as simple as making it match the player's character, and it adds to immersion. And if the argument about it being extra work is brought up: so is adding female characters/voice acting/dialogue/armor/etc. Work is the price we pay for having nice things. With regards to "historical accuracy"...first off, we live in the 21st century. Your game may be set in the 11th or 1st or 211th, but your audience who plays the game lives here. That shouldn't be ignored. Second, "historical accuracy" is often a cheat. Men historically having more agency than women doesn't mean they didn't have their own adventures in the same vein. There were female mercenaries, soldiers, leaders, scholars, heroes, etc. In fact, their ability to become that in a world that told them they couldn't makes them more impressive. And fun fact, there actually were people of color throughout European history. Africa is right there, Asia is right there. They didn't mingle nearly as much as today, but they were there.