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About spacebran

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  1. Can someone please mirror the guns similar to CS GO? Is this hard to do?
  2. I am hoping someone makes a realistic damage mod as well. What am I doing in the mean time? My lv 51 assassin had 350 health and the rest was in stamina. I played on Master up until that level. I got bored sneak attacking enemies with a powerful bow and not having them die. If I am sneaking up on someone and shoot them in the head, I expect them to die 9/10 times (depending on range, etc). I also got bored of getting hit many times and not dieing. The instant health potions didn't help either. I changed the difficult to the middle one (adept I think?) and I used the console to lower my health to 75 (and gave the extra points to stamina). Now I kill enemies easier and faster and I also get killed a lot easier. I am also using the mod that makes potions heal over time. It feels much more real and I am enjoying it so far. Try it out. edit: Oh and I should add that I don't die all the time. I started this a few days ago and I only die every once in awhile. It makes you fight a lot more strategically because it is a lot riskier.
  3. I did find it here, and I suspected it was removed as well. Can anyone point me in the direction of who made the mod?
  4. Hello, I had a music mod that included music from a lot of different movies and games. For example, there were Hans Zimmer pieces from the movie Kingdom of Heaven, tracks from Baldur's gate, LotR, etc. I can't remember the name and I looked through the ones on the site and didn't have any luck. Maybe I missed it. If anyone could direct me that would be great, thanks.
  5. I did some more research and learned that the problem is caused by Natural Environments, so I simply deleted the Data/Textures/Menus folder and replaced it with my backup so everything is fine now.
  6. Hello, I use a lot of mods on oblivion and I recently added Clocks of Cyrodiil, Deadly Reflexes, and Natural Environments. I'm not sure if it was these mods or not, but my health bars changed. Instead of having a 'full' bar shown at all times (e.g. red when full with a ball at either end or with a tan colored background to show when health is missing), I have the health bar but no background (so when health is missing, the red bar decreases in size, but there is no background to indicate how empty you are). Its kind of annoying because once all three of your status bars change, its difficult to tell how low you are. Is this a common problem? Can anybody help me? Thanks!
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