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Everything posted by Lethargickitten

  1. Maybe I've suffered brain damage recently or just forgot, what is SSS?
  2. Am I the only one who doesn't like the new feral ghouls? At least visually I don't. I'm requesting a mod that swaps the models of the feral ghouls with something more similar to the emaciated, skeletal, zombie looking ferals from NV. I know they are supposed to be ugly mutants but, they look ugly in a bad way IMO. Plus my nostalgia sees ghouls a certain way. EDIT: A simple retex won't cut they look to lumpy. It's the shape not the texture. I looked at all of the retexures, they're not what I'm looking for.
  3. I just wanted to start up a discussion about the engine for the next elderscrolls game. I feel like it's about time bethesda retires the old gamebryo/creation engine. I'm really enjoying Fallout 4, but the more I play the more the engine shows its age. I have no idea what kind of technical stuff goes into making a new engine, but I feel like I'd rather wait for bethesda to make a new engine from scratch than get another revamped gamebryo engine game. I also feel like getting a new engine would mean new possibilities for modding. I think that would also mean we would have to get used new modding tools which might set us back a bit. However the end result would be better in my opinion. Thoughts?
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