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About Rustyvanman

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Oblivion/Fallout New Vegas/Mortal Kombat/Gears of war

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  1. Hello you sweet sheep.Sheepy sheep.

    What's shaking :D

  2. Dude that sheep is awesome! lol
  3. HA!!! Your sheep is drowning!
  4. Uh hai thur everybody!
    1. Rustyvanman


      sorry i haven't been able to respond to you, but I has exams to be revising for.


    2. CheeseyBall
    3. Rustyvanman
  5. Dude. You have loads of comments to answer.
  6. hey underwater sheep :D ! how ya doin
  7. yes it is. that's pretty cool
  8. Your underwater sheep is awesome!
  9. thanks ! you just gave me kudos didn't you ?
  10. even more awesome :D !,since you're underwater sheep... that mean we can save room inside the ship... i'll just tie you up with a rope and let you swim all the way there :p
  11. Yarp, red eyed sheep is awesome, but I actually prefer my Underwater Sheep. That's what'll happen if the SS Llamaland sinks... o.O
  12. woaaa !! red eye sheepy XD.awesome !.
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