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Everything posted by FnimonSni

  1. I like pie... is there something wrong with me?
  2. Strangers eating lard are really weird...
  3. First of all, Skeleton Guardians are vanilla creatures, and is, as every other creature, leveled. It is possible the modder used them in the mod, however. UESP :thumbsup: Can you give more info? What is the place they chase you? Why do they run away or what happens more than that they run? Why can't you kill them - or can you?
  4. So... where's my price? :armscrossed:
  5. Ban SilverDNA for using a MTG reference... :psyduck:
  6. Why relate relatively unrelated questions?
  7. Don't eat before you go swimming.
  8. What if you orally spell what you type, that counts as talking right?
  9. Why can't a good question be disturbing?
  10. Whats the point anyways? :mellow:
  11. Is the meaning of the win for me to get it?
  12. Probably because of the wallbash. :thumbsup:
  13. did anyone go somewhere and I missed it?! :facepalm:
  14. My math homework... I never thought that it would come useful in real life! :thumbsup:
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