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  1. So I changed my file attributes to "Normal file/mod" and set lang to "English" Now it's gone from search results and no longer shows under UI category. (It was there yesterday, and I have not hidden it) EDIT: Nvm, changed back from "English" to "" and it shows up correctly.
  2. 1st person camera shake is annoying, did a quick search and failed to find any relevant info. Tried some ini values, which didn't work, so here's how I disabled it, for anyone else interested. 1. Use BSAopt or some other tool to unpack camerashake.nif from Skyrim - Meshes.bsa 2. Open the file with NifSkope, find 2 NiTransformController and set Frequency 0.0000 3. Save as loose file at ~/Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/camerashake.nif NOTE: This disables shakes caused by scripted events (dwarven forge for example)
  3. XGCameraView XGCameraView_Aiming XGCameraView_AimingThirdPerson XGCameraView_Cinematic XGCameraView_Cursor XGCameraView_Firing XGCameraView_Midpoint XGCameraView_Moving XGCameraView_Scroll After a quick look at the files, it seems these folders contain the cam scripts. XGCameraView contains GetZoom, SetZoom and other functions so this may be the step in the right direction. However, any changes made to file or folder structure result in a crash after repacking the upk and xshaping the exe. Anyway, I like the core game but I'm really close to trashing the entire thing due to camera automation and the lack of configuration options. Mainly the option to control another soldier while one of them is active and the option to cut out narratives and killcam slow motions. When a tactical game comes to the point where it forces you to stare at the screen doing nothing, it's no longer a tactical game. If the objective is tactical team control, and the execution involves watching endless repetitive cutscenes, I think it's best for me to quit. At least until the creators decide if they want to create a game or a bloody movie. Thanks for your work bokauk, you've improved the core gameplay a lot and I appreciate it. I can recommend your toolbox to anyone, but I'll think for a long time before recommending the game with all its flaws.
  4. Downloaded, endorsed, features work as intended, but that doesn't solve my problem. I'm used to starcraft cam, so when I set the position, I expect it to stay there, not move to the other side of the map. I don't want it changing viewpoints while aiming, moving, shooting or selecting units and it still does, with or without the toolboks. It's not just auto zoom, it's auto pan and auto scroll that's bothering me. I wouldn't bother you for implementing another feature, but I could use some help in locating the switch that controls the camera manager. There must be a configuration switch that runs these cam scripts somewhere, I'm just having trouble finding it.
  5. Where is the switch? I've spent more time fighting the camera than fighting the aliens. Couple of problems with this camera manager, observer mode, auto zoom/scroll/pan or whatever you want to call it. I set the camera distance for a good reason, it resets to default distance on each turn. Extremely annoying. When the soldier is aiming, camera zooms in every time at the soldier, then snaps to the target and back again. You must watch the soldier move. Every time. Can't switch to another or do anything else. Terror mission = snaps to civilians and back. Rescue mission = pans to objective, then the transport ship, then back. I feel like it's deliberately wasting my time, I want to play, not watch the camera flashing up and down. To sum things up, I'm looking for a way to kill the camera management completely. What I'd like to achieve, is a "free camera" (sc2, wc3, CoH, C&C type of camera) There are scripts for aiming camera, moving camera and others inside the upk. Anyone got some experience with removing such features from upk who can help? I've tried to hex edit these things out, but no success so far.
  6. Same problem, also had it yesterday but couldn't catch a screenshot because it showed up for a second and it was gone. Had a couple of server timeouts this morning so I caught one for your convenience. image Relevant info : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1
  7. Just wondering if it's possible to switch these off without the sdk 1. When a dragon spawns, screen starts shaking 2. When sprinting, camera zooms a bit creating a warp effect 3. When walking or running, character "head bobs" in 1st person view, especially on stairs Reposted this from mod request cause it's not really a mod request but info request. Must be a function to remove these, anyone has a clue?
  8. Just wondering if it's possible to switch these off without the sdk 1. When a dragon spawns, screen starts shaking 2. When sprinting, camera zooms a bit creating a warp effect 3. When walking or running, character "head bobs" in 1st person view, especially on stairs
  9. I'm going to leave couple of switches for shadows here, maybe it helps someone as it helped me. As default shadows really suck on my system, I searched for a way to completely null them. These switches go into SkyrimPrefs.ini Also, couple of performance switches as well, note that this is for old machines and NOT for high end hardware specs. This WILL make your game look much worse than default but you can boost performance with it by 20% Tested with enbseries 0.100 dll on 9500gt
  10. You can disable this effect with enb, it's called adaptation in enbseries.ini. There was also some bat you execute from console but you have to do it evey time by hand.
  11. Yeah, had this too, put these in SkyrimPrefs.ini, fixed it for me.
  12. This works but it's one hell of a mess, launching bat script to launch a launcher that launches another launcher which again launches the game launcher that launches TESV. SBW bat that launches TESV is enough for me, just glad my game works fine without 4gb patch so I can avoid these complications. +1 for tutorial though
  13. Disable AA and try again, OR disable SSAO/IndirectLightning and keep AA, either way, I don't think enb is compatible with default AA.
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