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Everything posted by Deleted2282525User

  1. Hi guys, i have a question, this is not a real problem but something that i want to try to fix it, also by myself using the geck but i don't know how and even if is it possible, let me explain: when i kill a creature it will respawn in the same place where it has died, for example mutants die in front of washington munument (at the entrance where there are also bos) and i will find them always here now, making impossible the fast travel here without die, I notice that mutants ,when they come back, they go to their origianl positions walking away but if there's active MMM the other mutants in the same spawn stay here doing nothing, there's a way to make them respawn always at the start point also if they died away from here? Where you find them for the first time, where is also their marker actually, thanks for everyone and hope for a solution! :)
  2. Hi guys, my request is simple (or maybe only to say), let me explain: when i kill a creature it will respawn in the same place where it has died, for example mutants die in front of washington munument (at the entrance where there are also bos) and i will find them always here now, making impossible the fast travel here without die especially if use mod like MMM, my idea is a mod that make creatures (also npc like raiders, bos, enclave ecc...) to respawn in the same point where you find them for the first time, where there's actually their creature marker that make theme spawn exactly here, thanks to everyone and hope this mod become real :)
  3. I know what you mean, the same type of script is used by creatures like wanamingos, geckos, ecc in MMM, they actually don't respawn they appear infinite time near marker location with a special script, well... I don't know if with standard creatures works well, I need to try to see if it works also with incrased spawn and other features like extra creatures ecounter with mutants like behemoths ecc. Yeah I have to delete the respawn option to all creatures that are going to use that type of script and make it that works forever, everytime the enemies die after the respawn time, but if it works I will use it forever! I didn't understand the part of the offending spawns with named Xmarker, you mean that i have to change the creature marker in game or the red marker called Xmarker? or eventually add the Xmarker to each creature marker? Thanks for help and for the eventually mod, if you make that script and share it with me I will try it immediatly also with MMM :)
  4. For testing it i do this: use tgm and run away from mutants to the washington monument entrance, when they arrive here i kill all of them, after i use fwe (fallout wandere edition) respawn system and i select "one hour respawn", after i go the history museum and i wait one or two hour, after that i go to the exit to see if they are still here or in their original position. I am going to try the esp that you sent me and if it works fine also with MMM, i will tell you also if it works after, THANKS A LOT! :laugh: Tried but it doesn't work, it looks like that mutants without "no low level processing" don't respawn they stay dead all the time also after the number of hours necessary for the respawn... I am going to try it with al packages if something change, maybe i follow the first idea of making them come back to original position in my absence and make it compatible with MMM :confused:
  5. They actually come back to their location when i am in the same area but this does not happen if i am using for example MMM , i mean , only one mutant walks back to his original location, but all the other mutants (that appear with the incrased spawn with him in his position marker ) stay here doing nothing , this is why i want to make theme always respawn in their original and same location , i want this to avoid that only one come back and others stay where they die . You said that i have to change the template of super mutants, you mean the files called for example "lvlsupermutantgun"? (the marker where they respawn in the game)and if yes what i have to do? Thanks a lot for the explanation and for the reply :)
  6. Hi guys, i have a question, this is not a real problem but something that i want to try to fix it (initially in fallout 3 and after do the same for new vegas and even fallout 4 if there's not), also by myself using the geck but i don't know how and even if is it possible, let me explain: when i kill a creature it will respawn in the same place where it has died, for example mutants die in front of washington munument (at the entrance where there are also bos) and i will find them always here now, making impossible the fast travel here without die, I notice that mutants ,when they come back, they go to their origianl positions walking away but if there's active MMM the other mutants in the same spawn stay here doing nothing, there's a way to make them respawn always at the start point also if they died away from here? Where you find them for the first time, where is also their marker actually, thanks for everyone and hope for a solution! :)
  7. Mmm so the respawn point/location depends for the al packages, how can i uncheck it? I mean i have to change it in where you find creature's generals like stats, model, faction ecc, or change it in general? I've seen that all mutant use a deafult sandbox called "DefaultSandboxEditorLocation512" it's maybe this one? Thanks however for the support i want to change this thing a lot :smile:
  8. Hi guys, i have a question, this is not a real problem but something that i want to try to fix, also by myself using the geck but i don't know how and even if is it possible, let me explain: when i kill a creature it will respawn in the same place where it has died, for example mutants die in front of washington munument (at the entrance where there are also bos) and i will find them always here now, making impossible the fast travel here without die, there's a way to make them respawn always at the start point? Where you find them for the first time, where is also their marker actually, thanks for everyone and hope for a solution!
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