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About oronoran

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  1. All of a sudden after weeks of having no major problems the unresponsiveness I had been getting from sliders started applying to everything in the game. I can't fight its so bad, I am forced to spam 4 or 5 clicks to get it to respond once. Power Attack still works as normal (ie I just hold the button down). Anyone else having this problem? It isn't my mouse because it is fine in all other programs.
  2. I just redownloaded New Vegas after I had to do a system roll back last month. I keep getting the message "vorbis_window could not be located in the dll libvorbis.dll". I have already updated all my drivers. I have already downloaded both .dll files the game asks you to. I have already made sure they are in my FONV folder in my Steam directory. I am already running in administrator and the Steam directory is not set to Read Only. I have already redownloaded them after getting this message. I have already redownloaded and reinstalled the game and started from scratch and in live in Canada where we have bandwidth caps and I cannot do it again until next month. Why is this nothing working.
  3. All of my hate. I know WoW has s*** graphics and that is where this idiotic term comes from but please for the love of Akatosh do not use it where it is not applicable. The word you are looking for is character, now that you have joined more civilized company please act like it.
  4. I have not been able to find any mods that lower the damage done by Stealth Criticals and to tone down melee power. I feel that the perks are to powerful for some areas and are negatively influencing my playstyle. I also am wondering is NPCs have perks or not.
  5. So I tried adding type 3 bodies to my game and at first there were bugs and in trying to fix those bugs I've had to uninstall the reinstall the game because I made it worst. Initially it was like it was trying to disply both the origonal texture and the new body textures over eachother, on the character model it was like you could see the texture fitting the new mesh correctly but the old texture overlapping it the primary examples being: two sets of cleavage lines and wearing the new underwhere over the old ones. I tired fixing it and after changing around some files my game wouldnt start anymore so I've had to do a fresh install. I had put off using nay mods that required adding new meshes or textures to the game fearing this would happen, I'm not exactly confident of my computer abilities. I was right to put it off because it seems I'm terrible at this kind of stuff. How do I make this work?
  6. Hello all, I am but a humble noob who wants to start making mods for New Vegas I'm particularly interested in learning how to design and edit companions. I am getting a head of myself however as I cannot even get GECK to start. When I run the program a window appears saying the program cannot find 'SSCE5432.dll'. I know it is on my computer, I run Windows 7 so in a few seconds I was able to just drop that in the search thing and presto found it, why can't GECK? I assume its because it need to be in the same folder, I had gotten a similar message about another .dll file but putting GECK in the right Fallout New Vegas folder resolved that. This file however, I don't want to move it to my NV folder because I don't know if moving it will cause problems elsewhere. Additionally, how many more messages like this can I expect before I can get GECK working, I have a fairly high end computer and am rather frustrated at the prospect of having to tinker with it like this because I don't want to screw it up. Would it be safe but to make a copy of the 'SSCE5432.dll' file and place it with GECK or will that cause other issues. Help me nexus, your my only hope.
  7. I just want to add that I don't understand even the fundamentals of how mod for this game, I worried if there is any kind of burden of messing around with things to make this work I will have to give up on it because I'd rather not break the game because I don't know what I'm doing.
  8. When I place the mods at C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\ they don't show up when I go to the Data Files selection, only the caravan pack and main file do. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. No mods I've placed there have show up in the menu. I've tired leaving the mod files in their folders and taking them out. I'm running Windows 7 64bit. Any help?
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