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  1. Not good. Or meibe even perfect! Im sick. No school... But i haz headache D: Nao i can't decide, either way to be happy or sad, so im gonna be Happad :D Happad Translation - I iz happy and sad.Anyway, ill go get some food because yesterday i couldn't eat a bite :( Also wont be on for awhile.
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    2. Deleted54170User


      So! I finally found my list, I made, of all my friend's here and stopped by. Whoa! What a change! I have to go and get my magic camera for taking pictures of cute sheeps. Be back soon!
    3. xLyrie


      Yez. Take photos of all os dese smexy sheepz :>
    4. Deleted54170User


      I found this famous sheeps show in YouTube < http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N445qz-Uepo&feature=related > More picture's please?
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