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Posts posted by CanisRex84

  1. Sorry just read the posts on this page (serves me right)..


    I was just generalising, as I had an unbelievable amount of PM's requesting permission to use this and that.


    I will expressly make the point I was only referring to the items I am qualified to grant permission to use, not those created/modded by any other individuals.

  2. Cant believe it.. really.. never thought it would be taken so far and done so well..


    I just posted this on the mod forum, but I might as well post here too:


    You guys have really made this your own and you have some awesome stuff on the way from the looks of it..


    Someone PM me and try and copy a moderator in, so we can somehow change the ownership of this thread from me to one of you guys, then you can update the 1st post 1st page.. (bout time..lol..)


    "Seriously, great job guys.. Im really happy to see that my idea has been embraced and taken so far with such a shared vision to the original!


    (Oh and I smiled when I saw that you havent changed that imperial Archer outfit I really liked that one)"

  3. I was glad to read these news Actus.


    I just sent you a PM with the Riften Guardsman files to start with.


    You're right about rigging, it's a pain in the ass, but it transforms a few beautiful screenshots posted here into something concrete, i'm not the best at it but i'm quite used to the process right now after a few hours training, so i'll most likely help on that whenever is it needed.


    Got it... but what did you want me to do with this one? I mean from the screenshots it looks like you have my old texture?



    You're right about rigging, it's a pain in the ass

    haha, finally somebody who think the same about rigging :D



    thanks for helping so good you can atm :smile:

    I'll send you my ulfric files asap with a pm too :wink:



    No problem, tbh I have lost absolutely all interest in Skyrim (didnt have all that much to begin with), but I still love doing textures..


    @Actus: Will you do the guardsman textures? If so, we have decided to use the vanilla symbols (two swords, not a fish for riften etc.)


    @Skoomaboy: Cant wait to see the rigged windhelm guard armor :smile:


    I will try and do any that are sent to me, feel free to list instructions for details you would like to see in particular..


  4. Well guys it seems like i'm going on some rigging spree.


    Just rigged our friend Actus' Riften Guardsman Armor


    I just used different gloves, which I think are more fitting.





    This still needs some fixing, there are some stretched parts (the traditional armpit is an example), nothing biggie tho, i'll fix that. Hope you enjoy the view.


    @ActusReus: I was hoping that you could send me your custom textures so I can avoid the clumsy process of recreating them, this would speed up everything as far as i'm concerned. (Not asking for anything heavy, just the important modified diffuse maps)



    Yay "mobile Phone Post Bug"

    @ActusReus: I was hoping that you could send me your custom textures so I can avoid the clumsy process of recreating them, this would speed up everything as far as i'm concerned. (Not asking for anything heavy, just the important modified diffuse maps)

    Year, Most of your amazing Models and textures are missing or we have to use the components for a rebuild :-/

    I'll try to use existing Models for a ulfric rebuild.



    Unfortunately all my work is now in your hands, everything else was lost..


    I am not "officially" back, but for the next 2 weeks I should have some free time. However on 3rd September Rome II comes out so I will probably decide to become a recluse and only leave my PC to use the toilet.. (maybe not even then)..


    By this I mean if anyone PM's me a link to download any vanilla textures with the nif as well I would be willing to recreate some of my old textures (maybe models)..


    I need the nif so I can get a better feel for how the textures will look via Max..


    So if you supply me the raw resources I will work on them and PM you back the link..


    I doubt that I will do any rigging as I have never really enjoyed that aspect of modding as its a royal pain in the ass IMO..

  5. The Actus' version, I requested the help of Lord0fWar for the skirt because it does not have a lot of verticle so weight painting is much harder, I hope he will be able to subdivide the mesh to got a better result. Atm he does not read the message yet.



    And skinwrap from another Armor like Actus crusader of the Nine doesn't work?



    We will use the armors from Actus standalone Mods Too right?



    No it does not, the fact is not that weight painting is hard, the fact is that the mesh have a little number of polygon, so it does not looks really good, futher more, the Crusader's skirt have all parts separated while this one if full so it's harder to get a nice result.


    Hey guys, nice to see some good work is still being done on here..


    As far as I know Lord0fWar has not been active on here for some time, he is Egyptian so there are probably 1,000,001 other more important things to concern him atm..


    This is also where I struggled, the skirt does not have many verts, and when I attempted to increase the number following Lord0fWar's advice by using "slice" it messed up the texture map, therefore I reasoned that I would have to create a new UV Map for the object and a separate DDS.


    This should not be too difficult as its a fairly simple shape and there are many tutorials for doing as such.


    Saying that, even with added verts I still found the animation when painting the weights to look "sub-par"... (such was the extent of my talents and patience, unfortunately)..


    & Yes feel free to use any of the assets I have posted on the nexus, including all released mods, help yourselves..


    Please remember though that the superb fur mesh for the shoulders of my Northman Armor was created by Nivea and permission will be required from her before you plan to release anything using that model and texture.

  6. @Nightasy :

    Of course I did, I'm even registered on the site, maybe the solution is on the Weight Painting Tips thread.

    Thanks for your reply sir,


    P.S.:Is it because the bone affect limit must be set to 4 as I see on the Nightasy's thread ?


    what do you mean @Nightasy?.... lol...



    Nice work, but the chain looks weird because .. it's just a chain :biggrin:

    I kind of agree. But look at this: http://www.silverdisc.com/images/04/097360733044.jpg

    Ok but in that case, you will hve to retexture it, it looks like a slave chain :smile:

    Here is my biggest problem, as you can see on the pict, I succesfuly rigged the upper torso but ( and it's the same with the tulius armour ) the left side is collapsing, I tryed to fix the left skirt and it looks not too bad but it seems to be impossible with the legs, I'll try some things this week end.



    I cannot stress enough that you watch the superb video tutorials on the following site:



  8. @Witcher, no its the pants from the picture of geralt fistfighting that I linked to.


    @Actus: Are you following the thread? I just good to know if we can ask you questions here, and expect to get an answer. And the textures for the helm of the riften guardsman: Is it there?


    @TMK: if the riften guardsman helm textures is not there, can you unwrap it so I can make a new texture for it?


    I do check in every now and then, so if I see something that I can help out on I will post...


    The riften guardsman helm (Norman looking one) was from M&B Warband, I got a lot of great assets from the Open Source files on the M&B Nexus as well as the Taleworlds forums..

  9. @TMK: Thanks I found the collar now. Its: citizen_poor__b1.xbm The pants however... I would really like to find them. This guy wears both the mask and the pants, so it would be great to find him: http://hydra-images.cursecdn.com/witcher.gamepedia.com/5/5f/Execution_-_04.png


    Alternatavly you could port the Crinfrid Reavers meshes. They are very cool :smile: The pants could be used for Alik'r as well.


    If Actus could just tell us which texture it is...


    The texture for those baggy pants belongs to the river pirate... that is if you have unpacked the Witcher 2 resources..

  10. No worries, if luddemann is just continuing this same project and will agree to my original terms ( you can pm me about it now or later on) then its fine to make use of what you already used of mine for this project. :smile:


    Thank you for continuing to allow the assets used to stay in the work Nivea. Its much appreciated.


    I wont, I just think that he is wearing too much armor. He is sitting on his throne most of the time, so it doesnt make much sense for him to be wearing a full plate armor.


    That specific design was only going to be used for certain situations (no spoilers), if it was possible to do so. I was going to create a more leisurely attire for him when not on the battlefield.


    Please remember that Nivea's fur shoulder mesh and textures were created from scratch and are valued assets, popular on the Nexus.


    If anyone wishes to use them for the purposes of release, could you please contact Nivea and request permission.


    Oh and Tulius, it appears I lost him without ever even knowing it.. which actually is a shame as he was my favourite. I can say that I might dip my toes back into the project for the purposes of Tullius and Ulfric when I have the time.

  11. Your going to be upholding the agreement ActusReus and I had about the usage of my textures and meshes?


    Hey Nivea,


    I added a proviso onto the end of the description on the mod page, sorry I didn't keep you informed about my plans on dropping this project. If there is anything else you would like me to do, just give me a shout.


    @luddeman and anyone else missing textures..


    You will have to accept my sincere apologies is there are some missing textures for certain Witcher 2 models, I was picking the textures on the fly (as and when required) from my extracted Witcher 2 archive..


    They are unfortunately no longer on my machine.


    RE Ulfric & Tulius..


    Ulfric was lost at some point, whilst I was in the process of upgrading my machine (along with many other items)... I know this sounds terrible as he seemed to be the fan favourite, but (and this is directed at luddemanm) he was one of the easiest to put together and I doubt you will have too much trouble recreating him...

  12. Actus do you have any restrictions on releasing these? I wouldn't mind making some sort of mod from them and getting them to a playable state.



    Nope, that's what they are all up here for.. go nuts..

  13. I failed to accomplish much over the weekend unfortunately..


    However I will definitely be committing a good amount of time this coming weekend and will have something new to showcase by Sunday evening.


    Thanks again to everyone for their continued support.

  14. Hey guys,


    Sorry for the long delay in posting, but everything has been crazy busy the past couple of months.. The WIP is not dead, although as I warned previously progress has now been quite drastically reduced..


    I could only live on my redundancy money for so long before my girlfriend got sick of me sitting around the house in my pants drinking beer and modding Skyrim. I.e. I have now got my self a new job.


    I will almost certainly be working on the project this weekend, but I doubt I will release anything new for the next week or two..


    Thank you for your continued interest.

  15. @ActusReus: Can you please consider making this armor Credo WIP of yours into a stand alone because it's the best looking one. Here is the link. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/155520


    Gron is right in what he told you Sinseraphim, I will not be releasing faction armour as stand-alone mods.. I am afraid you will have to wait until the final release of Credo for this armour..

  16. Nope, the project is still going, although recently I have had to spend most of my time searching for a new job.. I hope to be employed by January, whereupon work on the project will slow down considerably..


    I am open to offers of help, maybe put some sort of small team together in order to get this finished sometime early in the new year..

  17. Just a quick post to say that the Northman Armours & the Plate Armours mods have been updated tonight..


    There is a separate update file for Northman armours which fixes the normal maps not displaying and the missing texture for the inventory item of the light armour..


    Plate armours now has a new file, where again the normal maps have been fixed and I have also replaced the Witcher 2 Klappvisier Helm with a lighter version of the Dark Greathelm..


    Cleric Armours of the Nine Divines will be updated tomorrow, where I will replace the Akatosh armour with a new model and tweek the old Akatosh armour to make it a cleric armour for another divine..

  18. I have redone the Warrior Cleric of Akatosh for the next update, I will keep the old version of the file up for those whom might prefer it..





  19. Wow you made great work !its a wonderful armormaybe you can create some armors for alik'r mercenaries to replace their poor and dirty clothes ?http://theminttu.deviantart.com/art/AC-The-Almohad-204955606http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/1706/nmoor2.jpg


    I certainly will be doing this yes..


    The alik'r would look better with a lighter armour/clothes that incorporates patterned leather or something like the first pic you linked.Also im wondering if you have any plans to incorporate any fur into your models other than cloaks, like the style the vannilla sets seem to follow? :)


    I will be incorporating more fur, I am going to be re-doing the Windhelm Guardsman and giving him a warmer outfit.. I will be using fur a lot on the bandits, orcs and inhabitants of the colder areas in Skyrim.. Winterhold, Windhelm etc etc..


    Found a slight thing you missed. Akatosh's cleric armor has invisble wrists when not wearing the gauntlets.


    Indeed he does.. I will fix this in the next update, thank you Gron..


    Found a slight thing you missed. Akatosh's cleric armor has invisble wrists when not wearing the gauntlets.
    you might have installed it wrong, but that's just a possibility, maybe I'm wrong... I just started a new playthrough for the same armor but it is waaaays away yet :)


    Nope Grons correct.. :thumbsup:


    Found a couple more pics for references Actus! :whistling:


    A COUPLE!! lol.. Thanks again Nuked, you always supply some brilliant sources of inspiration.. I lol'd so hard at the pic of the Knight in the living room..lol.. I absolutely love the 14thC pics..


    I was also thinking of maybe sending a few of my armours off to a 3D Printing place where I can have them turned into miniatures for around £15 each.. They would be around the same size or slightly larger than the Citidel ones..


    @TadasInstalled it again and even manually (NMM can do weird things) and it's still there must have something to do with the Model itself.Tested it thoroughly too.


    Thanks for being so thorough, see above..

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