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Posts posted by Noobo

  1. You need to enter landscape editor, though I dont recommend it since it may affect the navmesh, and you might get clipping/hollows with statics like mountains and rocks


    To open the landscape editor look at your cell view's object list, just scroll to the top and there should be an item called Landscape

  2. Self imposed rules which i currently have


    -Not using/wearing any gear unless I have crafted them (artifacts and spec items aside)


    -Must use the Town Inn (I didnt buy Breezehome, so a visit to any major town is expensive, considering that I use perseid's Inns and Taverns)


    -Never fast travel, unless by carriage


    -Avoid travelling at night (my Enb + COT makes the very night dark and dangerous detours off cliffs are commonplace


    -No horses on mountains (even up to High Hrofgar)


    -Strip when swimming (Using frostfall makes it both immersive and challenging, but rewarding since its faster than by road + Better Swimming makes striping a necessity)

  3. Update: I've found the problem with the textures. But the Land and water LOD still dont work. Does this have to do with needing a worldspace with quads divisible by 32?


    screenshot of problem:


    what it should look like:



    No water or land LOD


  4. Hi guys


    Im having an issue with LOD for a custom worldspace.

    Problem is, that the meshes seem to load in-game but not the textures. All i get is that acursed purple 'missing textures' on my meshes.


    How do i solve this?


    Ive attached some screens










    I've been following this tutorial

  5. Make sure the objects do not clip into another object.

    Another method open up the 'reference' (double click it in render view) of your object and in the '3D data' tab is to tick the radio box 'dont havok settle' - This is the method used to make daggers stick into walls and tables you see in-game



  6. Shameless plug. My first skyrim mod was a house with a quest to obtain it. Its floating around nexus somewhere.


    I'd actually say to stay away from CK during a serious play-through of Skyrim. messing around with statics and objects really breaks the whole 'emersion' thing since when i begin to see which statics are being used in a building.

  7. Selecting an NPC in console (click them) and type 'TC' (without the ' ')will give you control over their movement. But be aware that your character also moves in mirror - so dont run off any cliffs


    'tm' will disable the HUD, so no more compass and health bars. It will also turn off displaying the console, but dont panic, just type 'tm' and press enter and the HUD will come back.


    This should have a few more such as turning off AI:


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