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About Ibeatyou

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    United States

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  1. Awesome idea Ace and if I manage to finish the couple im working on I will defiantly be letting you know.
  2. Looks like a texture or mesh conflict to me. o.O Did you do anything mod related to textures or meshs? When did this start and what had you installed when it did.
  3. Taking a look at it for you no promises though. =) I did one on fallout and it worked fine just....npc seemed unhappy about some spots for some reason.
  4. So I built a companion using very basic functions the other day. I had a few issues that caused it to refuse to save now I have a much bigger script and I cant get it to save. Without being able to save I cant setup package AI conditions... Kinda at a stand still for now. If you willing to help me out with this let me know. Skype preferable but beggars cant be choosers. =)
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