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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NJidVpfbVw Germany [ Gregorian Trance ] - Album Die Prophezeiung 2003; Cover Art [ Oblivion ] HQ http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif you've to calculate what you can't see... and fear what you don't know!
  2. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wN5W7Yxp7M Germany [ R & B ] - Album Never Forget (Where You Come From) 2002; Cover Art [ Oblivion ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Fear what you don't know!
  3. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFZcCifYPGI USA [ Urban Hi-NRG ] - Album Puttin' On The Hits 1999; Cover Art [ Oblivion ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gifIt's George Clooney, who else?
  4. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-N2GbLcwOU Mexico [ Cumbia Villera ] - Album All Mixed Up: Los Remixes 2002; Cover Art [ Collage ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Say no more!
  5. We call that metaphoric imagery here. Recitations are the privilege of others. I can already think myself. Probably one of the rare advantages after eight years here in your wake :) Anyway. The problem is obvious - we get a flood of intermeshed competitons that actually have no practical value of benefit anymore, at least for those who do not live in the virtual world but have a life outside. Sometimes less is more. But okay - I'm a purist, as gamer. And because of the games most people are here, I guess, and not predominantly for virtual activity, the modern fitness.
  6. Seniority award ? Well, that was a good one. Give it to me! To be serious, you can't draw any advantage from that, it simply means nothing at all in a virtual world that is busy with banana-like score competitions, the beloved trademark of the brotherhood of man. Too bad.
  7. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVo0e_ob7SA Spain [ Flamenco Pop ] - Eurovison Song Contest entry 1990 Bandit - English lyrics http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Adelante bandidos! Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!
  8. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN8utP7O_hs Belgium [ Industrial Techno ] - Album Greatest T*ts 2003; Cover Art [ Collage ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!
  9. 6 million out of 18 million Jews in Europe got killed. You might question it in Israel where most of the survivors of the holocaust live...
  10. ... the cognition that all you need to break the neck of a risky member of the brotherhood of man is a not that ugly gal or two and the old banana malfunction theme. Money can buy it. Mission accomplished. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!
  11. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDKj5WqZUq4 Germany [ Heavy / Speed Metal ] - Album Blood of the Nations 2010; Cover Art [ Fallout 3 ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Long live the fighters!
  12. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93f7-5yDJ6E USA [ Alternative Rock ] - Album Bigger, Better, Faster, More! 1992; Cover Art [ Studio ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, the Brotherhood of Man...
  13. Humbug, for otherwise I'd probably be the only one here regarding the Afghanistan War I have participated in, a war you have merely seen through the fast food filter of census on the TV screen - the lying German Wochenschau of WW-II crosses my mind. Nevertheless I don't feel myself as somehow lifted up when the Taliban come into play. So what's up with you, honey? My facts related to the Vietnam War I share with the intelligent US, the media, the scholars on this earth (perhaps with exception of "Why-the-West-has-won" Hanson who has lost his Greek marbles for we haven't yet won a war since the Falkland War) as well as all the individuals interested or involved and capable of reading. If you have, different from your own generation, learned absolutely nothing in Nam and nothing from Watergate that would lead to common scepticism, and your stubborn tenor supports the impression of classical ostrich policy, I'm sorry for you. But do us all the favor and don't support the decreed falsehood of merciless failures that lead young men to their slaughter. Is that understood and accepted? As a foreigner I'm proud of US journalists that have the backbone to reveal the lie within the legal possibilities and given military restrictions, something that other journalists elsewhere have not yet developed and probably never will, a filled tin cup does nicely, huh. If you hate them you don't have a political or military problem to defend, but a spiritual one.
  14. No cliff at all. Don't you guys know your own national history? The classified Pentagon Papers on the Vietnam War ( -1968) were successfully published by the New York Times in 1971, four years before the end of war, a military loss that has turned into a unbloody civil victory (for us) some 35 years later. A generation of US in the prime of their life had to die in the defoliated jungles of Vietnam... for a fraudulent nothing, a paranoid chimera, that's a frakkin' fact. Publishing the PPs was a glorious victory for free journalism. The lame ducks had to suffer a juridical rebuff at all fronts - their secret kept bulls*** was to be read in the daily news. That's one of the extraordinary role models of a great nation that will survive the USA as such for ages, believe me. Give it up, switch off the light of truth... and there you go, to nowhere in the dark. That's the easy path, remember? Gosh, fight for your achieved civil rights or soon you'll have none left to fight for anymore.
  15. To each their own, np. What one does postdoctorally is up to the scholar. I still leave it open cos I've financed the university education myself. I'm free, fortunately. Anyway. Research lives on free sharing results, the existential bloodstream as it is in the modding community here on the Nexus. Now, if one has to deny sharing due to untimely bondage but quite obviously has to suck up shared material of others - nothing comes from nothing in research, folks - then the payed servant of the company is not part of the scholarly community. Remarkably enough, both scholarly and modding community share one and the same principle of restricted freedom - permitted use for credit in the bibliographical notes ('the readme') of the future research papers. Guess we deal here with the enlisted civil auxiliary of the military, the proverbial Dr Ubermans. I'd recommend a termed officer runway in the army instead, cos one is hardly to be blamed later for ordered research results and at no stage to be fooled about the actual aim and utility of the military program one is or was involved. Shabbat Shalom b'Shem
  16. Thanks, granny :wub: _____________________ Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrscUonLGgE Brazil [ Samba Batucada ] - Single Bantu 1992; Cover Art [ Fallout 3 ] http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif Uh-huh, oh yeah, uh-huh!
  17. Start with the military service first, chaosblade, hmm? You have now for the second time raped the thread with martial off topic nonsense. First Israel, now Mexico. Wonder if you know what's up with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? That's boring folks :wallbash:
  18. When North Korea gets involved in a war, China is directly involved too. Different from Russia that has cancelled the military aspects of the mutual assistance pact already in 1996, China is still bound to the given pact that includes military assistance by the People's Liberation Army. As my grandma has allegedly said on the eve of the Yom Kippur War, directed to the Arabs: "Come in... and find out" Do... or do not. There is no try _ Master Yoda In order to get attuned: A popular army song used in a modern Kung Fu movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp7bP3eWKrk&feature=fvw My name is Legion, for we are many. You will be afraid...
  19. Whats hard to comprehend, they've always acted with what serves their own interests. At this moment, their interests are set on increasing presence in the region, establishing financial and political ties with other countries, and in acquiring the resources to keep up internal development. It simply does not serve their long term interests to back NK if things were pushed to a state of war. You haven't yet understood anything of Chinese communism. Trained in Western What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get philosophy you're trapped, that's all. You take the smiling wombat for a house mouse. Remarkable,
  20. Your closing rate is not worth a thing, Vagrant, unfortunately. The Chinese have adopted nothing from us, instead they have interpreted something. Consequently their "democracy" is not akin to ours but a dissimilar similitude,it shows the mere optical relation of a wombat to a house mouse, that is - actually there's none. The Chinese communism is absolutely safe due to its "Borg tactics" of interpretive assimilation of successful political and economical theories from outside. This makes the Chinese actions very difficult to comprehend for Westeners with the consequence that they easily get wrong interpreted ... possibly with fatal results. What we get is not what we see *lol* The Chinese puppeteers are everything but meatheads.
  21. Economic interest is just one facet of a hegemonial superpower, the present one and the coming one. There's probably a leak in Wikileaks due to the lack of journalistic responsibility behind the launched information, China's economic focus is the Asian market even if Chinese containers in Western terminals might convey a different impression here at home. Moreover, there is a relative consistency in the increase of Chinese military expenditure by some 15 % per anno since the 90s and the country holds number three in the ranking of arms-import counties since a decade. And all this they do with a typical smile. The Western idea of a possible Korean remake of the German fall of the wall is farfetched cos the necessary components - perestroika and glasnost - are not part of the Chinese party policy, political suicide is not in the interest of the Communist Party.
  22. It goes both ways, Vindekarr. The first fool is already onstage. Fools simply can't resist the animal magnetism to get a hammering.
  23. Well, I've never had to hide my light under a bushel - wanna give it a go, viking? To be serious, in the often violent muscle show of men only the beauty of women performs miracles, it blows the hot air away, it reduces giants to munchkin size. Women as servants of men, that was a mere male wishful thinking, from the start. I stick at Princess Snow White.
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