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Everything posted by elderscrolliangamer

  1. I've opted in and look forward to seeing this system in full swing. But I would really still like to see the addition of renaming your account. I've been dying to for years ;(
  2. Not a fan of the new design personally, but I guess the redesign's happening whatever we think.
  3. I had around 207 quests complete (including quests from mods like Helgen Reborn, Moonpath to Elsweyr, Anna NPCs and Interesting NPCs) on the save that was unaffected. I shall try SkyComplete, at least I'll be able to keep record of most quests I've done. :) Still curious to know exactly what's going on. I've never seen this before on saves where I've played several hundred more hours than more current one. I did also read somewhere that starting the 'become a thane for Falkreath' misc quest could trigger this bug, but looking back through my saves, it appears quests were deleting a while before I started that.
  4. I've been playing Skyrim a lot these past few weeks, and have run into various issues (broken skill stats, broken followers, negative dragon souls) that I have all managed to fix. But not this one. I didn't even notice it until today, when I randomly decided to look through my past quests, only to find the first 10 had completely gone, with my supposed first quest now being Delayed Burial. I checked on past saves, and the most recent unaffected one was 24 hours ago of gameplay. There's no way I'm redoing 24 hours worth of stuff again, so does anybody know of a way to restore quests to the journal? I know the game recognises that I've completed them. I used 'getstage mq101' to check Unbound, and sure enough it said I was at stage 1000, the final stage of the quest. I like having all my quests stored, so I can see everything I've done on a playthrough and my OCD can't stand inaccurate playtime counts due to being afk, let alone inaccurate quests completed stats. If I can't fix this, eventually my journal will be empty and it will say I've completed no quests or questlines. I really don't want it to come to that. If anybody's experienced something similar, do you have any idea what can cause this? Oh and please don't suggest reloading a save or starting a new game, I had enough of that when modding Oblivion.
  5. Nice to see a Morrowind mod here :) Such a great game
  6. In response to post #44658195. #44658755, #44660435, #44662065, #44662420, #44663050, #44663515, #44663785, #44664805, #44668805, #44673890, #44673940, #44725300, #44729920, #44733380, #44754360, #44757715 are all replies on the same post. I don't care what you think I sound like, all I care about is sharing what I make with the community and making sure it works for everyone.
  7. In response to post #44658195. #44658755, #44660435, #44662065, #44662420, #44663050, #44663515, #44663785, #44664805, #44668805, #44673890, #44673940, #44725300, #44729920, #44733380 are all replies on the same post. Auraelus, emphasising a point doesn't make me a 'dick'. As previously stated, I have nothing against the author, Arthmoor, and if you'd bother to look underneath, you'd see another one of his mods, which I've said is fully compatible. So I'm not being a dick to the author, and it's in capitals because people kept nagging about it; they have no excuse to ask about compatibility now. No offense, but you don't even make mods, so leave me to make my own decisions thanks.
  8. In response to post #44658195. #44658755, #44660435, #44662065, #44662420, #44663050, #44663515, #44663785, #44664805, #44668805, #44673890 are all replies on the same post. @Brakier I was 16 when I actually made the mod :P @cedaie I have no wish to compete against other people's mods. It's because of others I've been inspired to make my own. Sometimes people just say negative things and 2 mod authors have tried to persuade people to use their mods instead in the past (for my Oblivion mods). Anyway thank you for the support guys, I was kinda expecting a mob of angry people telling me to get over myself xD
  9. Think of me what you will, but I'm sure EVERYONE knows what Alternate start is now. It's featured everywhere. Makes me wonder why I bother with my mod at all. And yes I KNOW it's boring going through the base game opening again, and NOBODY has gone through it more than me. I ONLY released my mod, because I though people deserved to see and play through what Bethesda cut out. All I get is grief from most people, so literally, what is the point? I've nothing against Arthmoor, his mods are good. It just makes me want to undo the 200+ hours across many months I spent finding the cut stuff, re-implementing it, making new scripts (with no prior experience or guidance), spending hours and hours playing it and bug testing, then attempting to fix those bugs, then chopping up individual lines for the new Hadvar, then manually implementing each individual line, and trying to get his voice to be on par with other npcs. Seriously, it was painful to make.
  10. In response to post #43549675. #43549990, #43550270, #43550860, #43550915, #43564605, #43573205, #43573420 are all replies on the same post. I love how you all presume my age and my life. You don't know the first thing about me. I don't even know what a debit account is. And I live in the UK, so I have no dollars.
  11. In response to post #43549675. #43549990, #43550270, #43550860 are all replies on the same post. I've been reporting ads for months now, it's getting boring and having no money is hardly stingy.
  12. In response to post #43549675. ffs, i literally just got redirected to the brit method AGAIN
  13. Please add the ability to change usernames, this is the only place I can't use my new username and PLEASE sort the ads out! I've had forced downloads, forced redirects to spammy sites such as 'the brit method', loads of pop ups, ads that forced the screen to the bottom of the page and many ads covering the screen. It ONLY happens on this site. I can barely use the site anymore because ads make it intolerable.
  14. I've checked multiple times, all aliases are indeed filled, they each say fill type: 'unique actor (name)'. I also have tested using 'reuse' and 'reserved' for the aliases, but neither has helped.
  15. @disi30 The first scene never plays anymore, it used to though. The packages are travel packages. @palingard I've used all sorts of variables and conditions, used quest stages and in the scripts put '[scenename].start()' and in the scene, I've set each phase 1 to only start when a certain stage is set. For example, a few weeks ago, when i set stage 10 via the console, the first scene played. Now it doesn't for some reason, and no other scene has ever played. I've also tried setting scenes to start on quest start, but that didn't help.
  16. Any help will be appreciated! I've spent over 15 hours in the past 2 days alone frantically trying to fix a severe problem I'm having, to no avail. I've poured through forums, made every change and improvement recommended, but it's no use. I'll make this clear, this is NOT a quest and it's NOT a mod. I'm making a machinima 'Skyrim Revolution'. Now, almost all the scenes are fully complete, custom dialogue, with recordings, packages, timers, aliases, etc, but the scenes just refuse to play. I've tried everything, all sorts of different console commands, written various scripts, generated an .SEQ file, tried using triggers, even used debug messages to help identify the problem and the svq command. It seems it's the scenes that are broken somehow. I'm wondering if it's because i have about 10 scenes in one 'quest', but it's surely not that right? Strangely, the first scene, which involves a man and his uncle talking about the Thalmor, USED to play perfectly! If i reload the save i made back then, it immediately starts, proving the scenes are working, but are being blocked from playing somehow. I really have no clue on what to do, and I stupidly promised this episode to be released September 25th. I don't want to let my subscribers and voice actors down, so please, somebody help me! :sad:
  17. edit - sorry, i posted in the wrong topic. i don't use forums much :(
  18. Thanks for clearing that up! :) Maybe I will change the songs. Any idea what genre I should focus on? Not sure what's missing that would fit in the world of Fallout.
  19. I've made a Diamond City Radio mod, it's not 100% working yet and still plays songs twice in a row, but i was wondering if that's ok to upload or not. I've deliberately NOT included any of Travis' lines, or Magnolia's songs, just the other songs. Since Conelrad uses several songs that Fallout 4 later used, and that is still up, I was wondering if I could upload this, and if not, what exempts Conelrad from whatever copyright these songs have?
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