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Everything posted by MrSomeguy

  1. It's a bug with the new patch, certain NPC's seem to be randomly set essential.
  2. I have no idea what it is or how it works.
  3. We don't have a proper Assault Rifle either. The Assault Carbine is as close as we get to that. I miss the R91.
  4. Although I'm using a female character, I don't make her all slutty like some people like to. My next character is going to be an a**hole mercenary who cares more about money than the life of others.
  5. Err.. umm.. ever played Fallout 1? Brotherhood of Steel ARE supposed to be like that.. that's the charm they have which I like. Fallout New Vegas developers did a good job putting in the original Brotherhood of Steel faction from Fallout 1. Unfortunately, it's dooming them now.
  6. I'd still rather work for the NCR and keep the BoS alive. It would be awesome if somebody made a simple mod to "fix" this issue.
  7. I disagree, the Legion is bad in my opinion. They torture and kill everyone they don't like, laugh at how nobody rebels against them, and all the woman they capture are used as slaves (most likely in more than one way if you get what I mean). Besides, what did Nipton do wrong? So they weren't the nicest people, they were neutral, they helped anyone willing to pay regardless of faction, and for that they were slaughtered? How is that fair. Do you think refusing to help anyone would have helped much? No, because the one they refused to help would just attack them. Yet if they chose to help one faction, the others would attack them. They just got stuck in a bad position and the Legion just needed to kill a bunch of people to prove a point to the NCR.
  8. If you side with the NCR and don't help the Brotherhood by replacing their Elder, you can negotiate a truce between the 2. If you help them get a new elder then for some reason you HAVE to kill them later. It's stupid that they don't give you an option for truce just because you helped them, if anything that's reason to give them the truce. That's the reason I'm probably not going to finish the game tbh, I refuse to kill the Brotherhood.
  9. I hate how all the factions want you to kill the BoS. Unfortunately I already helped them by getting a new Elder (the old one just wanted to sit in a bunker until they all died out, not a good plan if you ask me), which ironically means I am now unable to negotiate a truce with the NCR (why not, exactly?). I hate how right is wrong and now it's too late to do anything about it. :(
  10. I agree, another thing is that the map seems so big, yet so much is blocked off. The western side of the map is about the size of all of New Vegas and yet there is nothing there at all. Seems like such a waste of space.
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