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Everything posted by kendubz09

  1. In response to post #8502054. most likely to many people downloading from the same server try a different one. but don't forget the free ones gets used like 80% more than the Premium ones
  2. In response to post #8501925. read the post before this one they explain why its been slow. but in quick its because there being NOS attacked i think its called but the new server setup will help to fight it back more effectively
  3. In response to post #8327529. ok thank you for explaining and replying :)
  4. awesome work i allways wanted a easy way to mod dragon age. but am i the only person what cant see my mod load order ?
  5. I love being Premium i paid for a lifetime member ship and not looked back :D and that was a few years ago :D
  6. have you tryed the unofficial bug patch ? that might help you .
  7. you can hear about it by guards or vampires come and attact you when your in a major city after your level 10 and above
  8. i would love it if you could add the mod owned into the mod. what the mod owned does it let you own any fallout 3 building/house and you get rent buy killing the person or buying it and renting it out. you all get eveything in that building set to player owned so if you buy a shop all the items in that shop whats out and in conationers can be used without useing karma. i think this is a good idea as its realistic and immersion also would help with buying things in the 2 diffrent worldspace aka falllout3 and fallout NV but theres abit of a problem the mod owned only dose some of the fallout 3 so you would need to do the scripts for all the houses and such for fallout nv and the dlcs and some fallout 3 and there dlcs. i would also love it if you could ad this to building such as cosines with higher fates so you get a lot of caps as a caonio would generate a lot of money. thats the link to the mod owned. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/1516/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=1516 Edit 1 sorry put the wrong link up
  9. have you checked out the fallout 3 and fallout NV bug fix mod? there like the unoffical oblivion mod that was a bug fixer mod?
  10. hiya i am haveing prolems with the fallout 3 nexus as its being really slow meaning it wont load any pages for me i also get allot of the 504 erros but if i go on any other website of a diffrent nexus such as skyrim or fallout nv is fine ? how can i fix this ?
  11. for a new feature i would like to see is the option to follow a modder so any new mods he/she makes will come up as a notification just like you can for a mod and it tells you that the mod has been updated. also the option if you follow a modder you can pick what mods you want to follow (present mods) as i was downloading all of Millenia mods for fallout NV and would love to be told if he uploads a new one.
  12. it sounds like skyrim makes your computer turn it self off that normaly happens when your computer is useing up all your ram so it shuts down to prevents any damage
  13. when ever i try to pick up a book what is the E button i press it and it never works is there anyway to fix it ?
  14. you would need a better griphics card or at lest a 1gb one as it says on the computer specs but best would be haveing 2 1gb or 2gb graphics cards for max with mods on :)
  15. i would love have a mobile version so i check if any mods have updaeted and so on.
  16. i have lowered my graphics card core clock so have to see if it works soon. i am saveing up for a custom computer soon tho :)
  17. do you know what sort of program i can use ?
  18. thank you for your reply and i dont think its my CPU as its an i3 and also yer my graphics card is a laptop one its a nvida 310m with 500 or so MB when i run the launcher it says i can play on medium but i turn it down to low and i get about 15-30 FPS.
  19. hiya skyrim allways make my computer turn off fully i am not sure if its my graphics card getting to hot or not sometimes it wont do it for about 2 hours of gameplay sometimes 10 mins has this happened to enyone else ?
  20. vladorob yes do its the update that the game got on the day of realise
  21. hi i am play the mod A Requiem for the Capital Wasteland whats lets you play go to the DC and play fallout 3 while in fallout NV but on the level list there are 2 list the same for evey ammo is there any way of adding both lists in to 1 list ?
  22. He it could be because you have so many mods and it has to load all them up aswell
  23. hi well the EVE, Project Nevada and Weapon Mods Expanded are fine to run they all have patches there one by project nevada and weapon mods expanded has one for EVE
  24. Thats easy to fix in windos 7 right click on the task bar and go on settings and press auto hide then it will go away so you can ok to save the settings :)
  25. yer dont remind me ahah i am from manchester it was all over the place
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