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  1. I figured it out, just had to disable, then uninstall, then delete a few mods that had conflicts. for both in MODS and PLUG-INS. I woulda liked to try horizon mod, but the compatiability with my other mods was just giving me grief. Oh no I wasn't using the lvl 40 save (I was kinda bragging :P mainly I haven't even finished this game vanilla, so i guess i need mods) Wait Vortex still has PURGE? didn't know that.
  2. As I know for buggy and glitch games such as Fallout series, It is best advised to run the game through vortex first, before modding, right? Anyways I forgot to do that, added roughly 60 mods and I thought I was good to go, all the notifications either advised me on master files and mods I need to make it a clean sweep, and it also helped me put mods in order....I think? Well I am considering whether an option to run WITHOUT MODS, being an option, that way it can IGNORE your installed mod list and just run it vanilla? I've thought about maybe making a new profile that has NO MODS, but I've never needed a new profile, so I tried something in settings and it still doesn't work. Each time I boot the game, I try to load a new game despite my saves (NO MODS, One on hardcore, another lvl 40 on normal) and the loading screen just hangs. The loading icon or "blip" I'll call it seems to have strange occurrence, it's not a smooth blip blip blip, sometimes it goes really fast or slow, so i wonder however it's loading data like masters and plugins are getting a bit stuffy? My plugins seem to be disorganised even after running vortex sort, and I've tried LOOT but for the life of me cannot figure it out, I just click CRC or something else, wait for it to finishing loading then play the game with or without the bashed file. PS; I am running vortex with steam load of the game.
  3. Have never finished the game, after all these years. Shame. Want to play as vanilla as I can but need to know which patches and fixes are minimal, but also crucial. I believe the thing that stopped me playing on xbox is those D*#n cliff racers around red mountain! So a fix for that would be great, I see though there are many cliffracer "tweak" mods available, question is which one? Another thing that bothered me later years on pc getting the game again is the scripting errors of soltheism. What patch fixes this? as not only I have had trouble with going to soltheism only to find game crash errors, but also errors when trying to make my own mods with soltheism included in the data files. btw I use vortex for my mod management so fixes that use that, work with that, or are really easy to manage without vortex is good. EDIT: I forwardly apologize if there has already been a thread similar to what I'm asking, I cannot fathom the keywords to find via search.
  4. Is there any, kinda wanna lower poly and I think one of these would just be nice. I know there is something like ENB or something but I was looking for something that just might suit me more.
  5. Bethesda would be cool if they just made an awesome creation engine and see what modders do with it, maybe a sub service that every month adds new resources and licensed stuff? ?
  6. Which mod manager was this? NMM? or something else? Looks new. Anyways to THINK, I was gonna buy this game a while back (mainly for modding!) I pretty much clocked it (it was that good) Btw Im running Fallout 4 (Vanilla) currently, the mods where just too much for it in nuka cola world and i really don't wanna try that trial again. And Im playing without DLC either! Anyways Well I hope you find a solution.
  7. Couldn't you put the space monkey on it instead? I believe that is lore...space monkey naked with only the helmet on. I seen that somewhere. Nasa in the above looks too big and too stretched. maybe that galaxy symbol could do it some favors.,
  8. Hey so I thought I'd just mention these two games as my personal classics For those who don't know; Phantom Crash is my favorite so far in mecha games ever made, sure it was grindy but I loved the arena and finding "hidden" spot to destroy other mecha's The second game I mention Future Cop LAPD also was a mecha game, although my favorite memories were playing split screen against an old friend and having fun, we would battle to and forth to secure checkpoints and built turrets to support your claim of said checkpoint/landmark so, I just wanted to ask, is anyone else into these games? have you heard of them before or are they new and interesting to you?
  9. HeyYou... ThankyYOOooou One thing though, When I attempted signing up it said an unsecure connection, any chance of a https alliance?
  10. Hey so it's been a while since playing Skyrim and have yet to do a vanilla run-through, But, I was wondering about logistically if it were possible to make an overhaul for full cel shaded Skyrim EE? Is this possible? I believe so, I vaguely remember a quest in one of TES game were things were "painted" I'm guessing Oblivion. I also like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Simpsons_Game and it was a welcome change from the other Simpsons games (Hit n Run) Anyways does anyone know if this already exists or able to speak about it? I think the mod will have potential only if it lowers framerate and helps older computers to run it. So what do you think? Too much to bother, or is it worthwhile?
  11. I was surprised when MGSV A Phantom Pain worked on my laptop! It's about 4-6 years old, AsusPro I believe, forgot the specs. I doubt it works now though(smoke damage possibly). when you say mods to lower the blow to performance, I'm picturing Runescape First Person Dual Wield. ha ha
  12. Hello, I was looking for advice for someone new to modding, can you help me? I have a few ideas but first want to start small. My first experience with modding was for Morrowind, I messed around with adding npcs and the like but didn't know how to lock the environment so I could move the camera without moving stuff (like trees , rocks and houses) in a vanilla game.TES Dev/creation kits seem to be quite unstable last time I tried, but I don't know exactly which game I want to mod. I was thinking of trying my hand at 3d modelling but unable to lock in one the was good enough, for games. my exp is that most 3d modelling games don't have a great XYZ axis movement, google sketch seemed to be easier but Im not sure I can use that for games. The only exp with textures was GTA3, which was quite simple, oh and also minecraft! So can anyone recommend me a great place to start modding? and any good games with stable enough dev kits to try I want to build myself up to maybe make a simple FPS with the source engine or something (I'm quite unsure how to mod half life and any others by the same)4 If you don't want to, can you share your first experience with modding and the trials and errors you came up with. I'd love to hear em.
  13. Hey so I want to get back into morrowind but have found what I believe to be a common bug. The GOTY edition I got is from pcgamer mag (an older one) But I bought the game by itself off ebay. The bug is using the solthiseim dlc, starting a full VANILLA game comes up with (going by memory) Buffer errors and other assorted things, of course I can ignore them but I want to patch it so vanilla is vanilla, and vanilla is good, first, before lore style mods Sooo, can anyone help me?
  14. Fallout 76 oooooooooo yeeeeeeaaaahhh. I wonder how much it would cost me (AUD)
  15. In response to post #61326827. :-) neato
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