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About j0hnicus

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  1. Because I was googling about this problem and found this thread, but ended up not finding an answer here I did some messing around and decided to post what worked for me. -Shift+Enter to open the ENB manager. -Try toggling off "UseOriginalPostProcessing" This solved the biggest problem I was having with brightness, but I also turned off Enable Lense because it had some kind of giant fingerprint texture that I could see moving whenever I moved my camera. Finally, on the right side where it says "Shader Parameters", I found that you can adjust the Gamma directly and that will help a lot. Higher number = darker. Hope anyone else who is searching for a solution is helped by this.
  2. Did it look like they had an outfit on, but no hands, head, or body texture? Just a creepy looking mouth. floating above an open neck hole. It might be a conflict between your first three mods with the Bijin mods. I was running Bijin AIO, Bijin Warmaidens, and Bijin Wives. I was missing Bijin NPCs so I installed that, then reinstall the others (still had a few problems) and that fixed it.
  3. I honestly wanted to browse with ads enabled because I thought that ya'll would earn more over time from that than if I purchased the one time "no more ads" supporter subscription, but I just could not take it. The ads were truly irritatingly bad. I'm happy with being a supporter and I applaud your efforts to find some other way to serve less annoying/disruptive ads. Good luck!
  4. We should all just answer this poll instead of arguing here. https://community.bethesda.net/polls/1028
  5. Just some feed back. I usually browse with ad block off and just use it for sites with really annoying/aggressive ads. If I want to browse Nexus without my ear drums exploding, I have to either turn it on or mute chrome. I don't see either of those as ideal choices. Just get rid of the ad next to the content (above the Latest news area, for example). That's the one that almost always has really loud, really obnoxious videos. They loop, or start randomly if the tab is left open, and hitting "report this ad" just hides it while the audio still plays.
  6. Ok I think I might have fixed this. When you uninstall your mods, are you just disabling them in NMM (it will have a red circle with a line through it) or are you right clicking it and selecting "Uninstall from all Profiles". You'll know you did it right if the text for the mod becomes greyed out, like it was before you installed it for the first time. It took me a while, but doing this for every mod and loading the problem areas I was able to finally narrow it down to one mod causing a CTD and it turns out the author has a CTD fix on the mod page now. For me it was the mod called "CREEPY MONSTERS OF WASTELAND". It looks like I only installed part 2 of a total of 3 files for this mod, which you have to download from the archive page. With all three parts and the CTD fix..... I think it's working. Theory: The mod isn't being disabled properly, so unless you uninstall it correctly Fallout will still be trying to reference records or something that the mod has changed and will result in CTD if the mod is bugged. That's why we were seeing that the only way to stop the CTD was to completely remove all of the ini files and start over--this was preventing Fallout from loading any of the modded files. As soon as we added the ini changes back in, it was trying to call the borked records from the borked mod. It's still pretty early, so if I start experiencing the same crashes again I'll be back with more information. Please let us know if this works for you! When you uninstalled did you delete your data folder and all traces of nexus mod manager? For me it was being caused by the incomplete install of the Creepy Monsters mod and things not being uninstalled property. I have a feeling there is some remnant of a mod that is causing your issue.
  7. Ok I think I might have fixed this. When you uninstall your mods, are you just disabling them in NMM (it will have a red circle with a line through it) or are you right clicking it and selecting "Uninstall from all Profiles". You'll know you did it right if the text for the mod becomes greyed out, like it was before you installed it for the first time. It took me a while, but doing this for every mod and loading the problem areas I was able to finally narrow it down to one mod causing a CTD and it turns out the author has a CTD fix on the mod page now. For me it was the mod called "CREEPY MONSTERS OF WASTELAND". It looks like I only installed part 2 of a total of 3 files for this mod, which you have to download from the archive page. With all three parts and the CTD fix..... I think it's working. Theory: The mod isn't being disabled properly, so unless you uninstall it correctly Fallout will still be trying to reference records or something that the mod has changed and will result in CTD if the mod is bugged. That's why we were seeing that the only way to stop the CTD was to completely remove all of the ini files and start over--this was preventing Fallout from loading any of the modded files. As soon as we added the ini changes back in, it was trying to call the borked records from the borked mod. It's still pretty early, so if I start experiencing the same crashes again I'll be back with more information. Please let us know if this works for you!
  8. So I have decided I want to make a mod and I'm starting with very simple concepts. I believe I'm starting to understand how Fo4edit works, but I have run into a road block. What I want to do with my mod is make it so a certain set of buildable objects adds defense to the settlement. I can get it to display this in the build menu, but the settlement's defense rating doesn't change when the object is placed. I've added the following to the PRPS - Properties section of the record. Property Safety "Defense" [AVIF:00000333]Actor Value 1.00000000Property WorkshopResourceObject [AVIF:00129A8C]Actor Value 1.00000000 Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am new to the realm of using Fo4edit to modify the records, but have managed to create an ESP that seems to at least half-work. Thank so much!
  9. Can anyone verify this working? Other than you, of course. I am going to try it tomorrow but I would like to see if anyone has had success using this method. Sadly this only seemed to work temporarily so it may be true what the previous poster wrote about NMM messing up the ini file. I was able to play with mods in the affected area for a bit, but the problem has returned. I'm also wondering if it might be due to a mod that has been removed still being called for by the game when mods are enabled and crashing because it's not there.
  10. I think I fixed it! I was having the same problem, see post above. I noticed that the guide that NMM links to says to edit your Fallout4Custom.ini file, but I actually had none after deleting the .inis earlier. It seems that now you need to have Fallout4.ini, Fallout4Custom.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini. Here is what I did tonight and now I can play with mods and no CTDs in the areas I was seeing it before. Note: I uninstall/reinstalled the game and all mods before this, but I don't think that was the fix as it was still crashing until I... 1.) Delete your Fallout4.ini file so that the game gives you a brand new one. Don't edit this file. 2.) Paste the below into your Fallout4Custom.ini file instead: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= 3.) Now paste the below Under [Launcher] in your Fallout4Prefs.ini file: bEnableFileSelection=1 4.) Boot up the game, load a save in or near a problem area, or load and zone to one. You should notice that it loads instead of crashing! If you don't have a Fallout4Custom.ini file, which was my problem, here is the entire contents of mine and that should be all that you need. [Display]iLocation X=0iLocation Y=0 [Archive]bInvalidateOlderFiles=1sResourceDataDirsFinal=
  11. I am having this EXACT same problem, actually and came to the same conclusion after a weekend of testing. It will crash when I get near bunker hill if I have this in my ini file: [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= Happens every time, whether mods are loaded or not. Deleting the ini files so that the game generates new ones without the line will allow the game to work normally without crashing in these areas. This happens even if mods are loaded, even though they won't work without this setting. Here is a breakdown so that it will make sense. Mods loaded, ini changes present: CTD near bunker hill Mods not loaded, ini changes present: CTD near bunker hill Mods loaded, ini files NOT changed: no CTD near bunker hill Mods not loaded, ini files NOT changed, no CTD near bunker hill
  12. Maybe you should approach this from the angle of asking Bethesda what you could do to make it so Bethesda IS okay with using Patreon/Flattr or something similar? In other words, negotiate a portion of donations made to nexus modders going to Bethesda.
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