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Everything posted by EchoGenocide

  1. Ive had the same question for a long time since I myself left console gaming due to its lack of user customization and rather high prices I think its really up to you to decide which one you want after a few hours of using both you'll be able to decide.
  2. I saw make the name "The Younger Scrolls" just to piss them off.
  3. all of the nifs are missing for the dogs except the basic dog the textures are still there. This problem started last night
  4. tried that already didnt work and the only mod I have which affects dogs is Cafe of Broken Dreams
  5. I no longer have the models for any of the dogs is there any way I can recover them?
  6. If a companion has a base armor that is stronger than an armor you want them to wear then the cant wear it. Is there a way to make them always wear an armor you give them?
  7. I have the hair retex done does anyone know how to upload it
  8. Making a mod which allows you to make your character in to The Renegade not much to say so far but it will have a armor, weapon, quest, hair style, trait, and possibly town and faction.
  9. Trust me its to hard. Buy BRINK and then maybe from there you can strip its movement tech and do it from there
  10. If there anyway that I can play with nVamp mods but not the whole nVamp mod group like I want some of them but just not all of them. I'm looking to play with a more realistic game and not NVG or super cluttered HUD (stuff like that). So if there is a way can you guys tell me.
  11. Dyslexia does not make you spell incorrectly (It would make it so we couldn't even recognize what words they should be.) make and having poor sight would make it hard to see what we are replying which you can obviously can understand just fine.
  12. Ill make a new one for you It will be done by 12 hours from now
  13. lol wow I just finished making one It does have a scope though
  14. If you want help Im good at retexturing oh and about the multiple weapon holster thing I think I know a guy who could do that and hears a helmet I made once the might fit what your looking for http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac237/Echo-Genocide/CRHelmetAbused.jpg
  15. Send it to me also Id love to help (I cant make new items as of now just textures Im having a issue with blender)
  16. You wouldnt happen to be known as Tic-2000 on MAG would you?
  17. Is there any one that could help me pin point the reason why Blender isnt working for me
  18. Do it your self its not that hard just go into GECK select This Machine give it Cowboy repeater stats and increase the RoF
  19. Making a mod for someone its a radio station and I need some one to be the DJ (Just sound like Elvis and your good)
  20. I dont have any but newvegasnexus.com is where to look
  21. Send me the files and Ill see what I can do
  22. Where do I sign up I'm all for working on a team
  23. I am having a similar issue but Its far less than this. I can see through some items when they are in the path of others. I also cant use clutter or armors for some reason because they also become see through when they infront of another object
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