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Nexus Mods Profile

About narcovaizard

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Skyrim and New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    Skyrim and Witcher 2
  1. I'm currently making a mod called "Hall of Gear", a mod which puts a building near whiterun with bazaar inside. Inside the bazaar is a large amount of merchant stands with a merchant for each one. Each merchant stand has the gear that they are selling on it, and the merchant is wearing the gear as well. Each stand/merchant combo is representative of another armor set in the game, from fur eventually up to dragon and daedric. The idea behind this mod is that if someone is collecting the armor sets in the game(like i am) and they aren't a crafter, or don't want to craft, or simply want the armor sooner and can afford it, there is a place that they can readily get it. This is my first mod that is a building and involves more than just one little script change like my other mod Spells Will Give off Light ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8479 ), and so far has been enjoyable, though a lengthy process. I currently have fur, hide, leather, iron, banded iron, steel, and steel plate completed, so i am about a third of the way done? So, my question is, would anyone use this mod, should i add anything to it, and would it be worth continuing with, or should i just scrap it? Thanks for any feedback you all give.
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