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    Phantasy Star Online 2
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  1. no rambles here Hallgarth, all the infos you gave are usefull at least to my eye as a newcomer :) i'm curious, does using skyrim's CK could provide me some "training" while i wait for a release version of F4's CK ?
  2. err actually i'd like to know if its a good thing, and if so, how? :)
  3. okay so apparently the ctrl+f4 did no cause the bug of my npcs... but strangely i think i have a cell reset bug aroud sanctuary that caused that somehow. thing is, while i added those 3 npc to the game world in sanctuary for testing purposes, i moved them to the Castle very quickly (in game) so my guess is that the cell reset bug in sanctuary somehow touched the npcs ? (yeah i'm a very very new modder XD)
  4. sorry for double posting but... i tried the Ctrl+f4 thing... it exported something and since then, my 3 npcs that i created are either bugged (as in appearing without any armors or headgears) bugged (as in stuck in T position) or plainly vanished from the game but still appearing if i do /help "nameofncp" 4 what happened ? X_X
  5. likely it works the same as vertibirds oh i never wondered how does the vertibirds work, can you tell me or at least link me to somewhere i could check? ^^
  6. huh...curious. maybe some move some do not? as i said i have experimented mainly with vault 81 elevator
  7. i have the same problem with created npcs, no marks, scars etc appear in game... luckyly for you someone responded at least XD if you find anything to fix this issue, tell me ok ? i'm struggling on that issue since a week now ^^'
  8. while i cannot help you a lot, i noticed with tcl that the elevators of the game does not actually moves (except maybe the institute one) . i tested the vault 81 elevator to see how it moves and actually...well it doesnt. either this is caused by me using Tcl to observe or a bug in my game i dont know but i think i could help you to watch in game how they work ^^
  9. did not notice crops dissapearances nor power lines, but like you it started at 1.5... maybe is it because sanctuary on my save have a lot of stuff? i should try a new save to check.
  10. Yes that helps me a lot ! thanks you very much ! now only the marks and the meging stuff to understand and i'm all set to begin questing ^^
  11. Guys i really need the help here...i looked every tutorials and such and i havent found a single answer about the marks not appearing and how to merge plugins :S
  12. okay so..i went on and uninstalled the mods that i tought (sp?) were the cause of those sanctuary ctd... well it didnt went as well as i hoped : now if i scrap any construction that isnt basic (by basic i mean the ones already here when you start the game) i get a ctd. May that be mutfruits trees, shops , paints you name it i crash if i store or scrap them. i guess i'll just have to wait a miraculous fix or move all my settlers to another settlement hoping that bug wont follow... again if anyone got any ideas, i'm all ears ^^
  13. Bump i really need the help here ^^'
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