Something has been bugging me about FNV-the total lack of romance. Not sex, because there's plenty of it in game but there's no romance. Sex mods, sure but no romance/relationship mods. I just can't see spending so much time with an NPC, fighting side by side, killing Fiends and Legion assholes but the option never coming up for any romance/relationship. With the possibility of dying at any moment, in real life it's more likely than not it would happen.I'm going to try to learn how to use GECK because I'd like to create a mod where you could have an option for Boone, Cass, Veronica or Arcade depending on your affiliation and perks. For example, if you choose the NCR, have the right perk and a high enough reputation AND Boone gets one of the good endings, you could have an option where you go together off into the sunset (similar to the ending in Casablanca between Bogart and Raines, where Bogart says "Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" and the movie fades out). With Veronica, the same but you'd have to chosen the Cherchez La Femme perk, completed the Brotherhood of Steel quests, become a Paladin (and not ousted McNamara as Elder) and get an ending with a good outcome for the Brotherhood. The Courier could be coy and initiate the conversation by saying something like "You know, I'd really like to see you in that dress. In private" Maybe give her a sexy dress-why not, she deserves one for having to wear that horrid monk hood. For Arcade, have the Confirmed Bachelor perk and choose the Followers of the Apocalypse; for Cass, you'd have finish as an independent and have gotten the evidence on McLafferty and the Van Graffs. Cass is interesting-she may be bisexual so it may not matter what perk you have. I may be able to confirm that in GECK-I'm not sure. Raul; interesting. I'd have to give it some thought but clearly, some Fallout characters have ghoul fetishes. Lily...well. Super Mutant romance with her might be...dangerous, if not downright fatal (she does think you're her grandchild so just by suggesting it you'd trigger a psychotic episode...which might be funny). Not going there with Rex/ED-E (although I'd be cool with making an option for the mod that makes ED-E look human; the player could have the option modify Ralph's sex holotape and upload it into ED-E's program). If the player fails any of the checks, you'd be turned down and depending on the outcome, the NPC would wish you the best or express their hope you get eviscerated by a Deathclaw.I don't necessarily want to include any animations of actual foreplay/sex since there's enough of that out there if that's your thing; unfortunately, I'm new to modding this game so I'd need to work with someone who could help me. But I really want this in my game. Anyone up for this? Suggestions? *edited to remove the weird HTML tags