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Everything posted by Mlucci4036

  1. Fair enough, thank you for the help though! I will take a look through your work and see if I can get a better understanding.
  2. I had not thought to account for other mods that might effect what I'm looking to achieve. I'd imagine I have to set a function to set the player as essential, like this? Scriptname MMUROnDeathTeleport01 extends Actor Actor Property PlayerRef AutoObjectReference Property MMURPenaltyBoxMarker AutoQuest Property MMUR_Arena_Fight_01 Auto Function Startup()If (MMUR_Arena_Fight_01.GetStageDone(20) == 1)PlayerRef.setessential(True)EndIfEndFunction Event OnEnterBleedout() PlayerRef.Resurrect()PlayerRef.MoveTo(MMURPenaltyBoxMarker)EndEvent ​Apologies if I'm not understanding your explanation, I've been trying to understand the papyrus tutorials on the Creation Kit Wiki, but I'm just not grasping how to properly write then, and where the script needs to be applied to.
  3. Maybe someone can help me out with a little issue I've been running into for a quest I've been trying to implement. I'm working on a mod where the player fights several waves of enemies until they are able to defeat the final boss. Since it like an arena of sorts, I decided I wanted to have the player be "penalized" for losing the fight. My thought process was to have a script be executed when the player dies, then they are teleported to an XMarker I have set in a separate Interior Cell. This is what I had written and compiled: Scriptname MMUROnDeathTeleport extends Actor Actor Property PlayerRef AutoObjectReference Property MMURPenaltyBoxMarker Auto Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) if akKiller == Game.GetPlayer()akKiller.MoveTo(MMURPenaltyBoxMarker)akKiller.Resurrect()endifEndEvent I have both the player and Xmarker defined as properties, and I have the script attacked to a Quest Alias linked to the player. This compiles, but does not work in game. I have not added the lines that Fail the quest on death, or have it be running only during the quest, but I think I understand how to implement those. The big issue is just getting the OnDeath event to actually run. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to get this to work? Or could there be an easier way to do this, such as having it run when the player gets to 1 HP instead of actually dead. Thanks in advance!
  4. My Steam was installed on a hardrive separate from my SSD with my operating system. I actually just deleted all my game files and reinstalled and it worked.
  5. So this is a fairly new issue, haven't had this ever occur to me before. I was using GECK quite frequently and one day this error message popped up. "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000001d). Click OK to close the application" Never experienced anything like this; I reinstalled Fallout NV, deleted the GECK files, deleted the nvse files and tried reinstalling all of them to no avail. Any suggestions?
  6. When you say define the NPC as VendorRef, are you saying make the NPC's reference "VendorRef" ? or should I make an NPC with the ID "VendorRef" ? I tried making a whole new Race with the Terminal NIF, but it will only say the greeting and not proceed to the other dialogue, it only works with human NPCs. But even when I try the method you suggest the Activator doesnt work, only interacting with the NPC does.
  7. I'll have to give that a try after work. I guess worst case scenario I can always make a Robot with the Terminal NIF as the model and then make it like a normal merchant.
  8. I'm trying to make 3 unique vendors for a project I'm working on. They're essentially vending machines with a Terminal that I'm using as an Activator. I'm not sure how to go about making them vendors, because the usual method involves an NPC. Is anyone familiar with adding a script that could initiate the barter menu when the activator is interacted with? Any help would be appreciated!
  9. Since my Empire Wasteland mod had many issues in terms of unfixable bugs, I thought I'd try a go at making a larger scale mod for Fallout 4. Although my NV mod is my pride and joy, I did everything by myself and it was probably not the most appropriate way to teach myself how to use the GECK. Nevertheless, I'm more experienced now and want to tackle the same task on the most recent game So heres the deal... What I am looking for: someone who can make Heightmaps from scratch that will not cause cells to break in game (that was the repeated issue when I tried several times)Whats it for? Im looking to make a large scale mod similar to my Empire Wasteland mod (several factions, side quests, new lands, new weapons, etc.)If you want to know ore please message me as I've not worked out the full backstory as I did with the last, but the location will be along the Jersey Shore. PS. I'm not giving up on the FNV mod if anyone is curious. It has many issues/bugs and I know it cannot compete with projects like "The Fronteir", so I'm taking some time away from it until I can truly spend some time focusing on it.
  10. This mod has been in progress for quite some time, and I'm looking for people to help me complete it. The Empire Wasteland [WIP] Take a journey to the distant city of New York as you encounter the new worldspaces, factions and enemies that inhabit the once glorious metropolis. Looking for a dedicated team of modders! For the longest time, this project has been tackled purely by myself, alongside members of the community offering small bits of help. But now, my arrogance has gotten the best of me and I now see in order to reach my goal, this cannot be a solo-project. If you fit any of the following positions and would like to help the project, please PM me: -Texturing Artists -Experienced 3D Modelers -Those experienced with scripting -Worldspace designers -Interior Designers -Armor/Weapons/Clothing designers -Concept Artists -Anyone with a good understanding of creating Radio Stations These are not the only positions, if you feel you have an asset please feel free to contact me This project requires too much time and resources for 1 man, so any form of assistance would be graciously accepted I would really like to see my project completed for the community to enjoy. Its creation has brought me countless joy, and sometimes misery, but nevertheless its my child and I want to see it succeed. The Mod has been available for several months. Download here to see the progress, as well as the things to come!
  11. The Empire Wasteland [WIP] Take a journey to the distant city of New York as you encounter the new worldspaces, factions and enemies that inhabit the once glorious metropolis. Looking for a dedicated team of modders! For the longest time, this project has been tackled purely by myself, alongside members of the community offering small bits of help. But now, my arrogance has gotten the best of me and I now see in order to reach my goal, this cannot be a solo-project. If you fit any of the following positions and would like to help the project, please PM me: -Texturing Artists -Experienced 3D Modelers -Those experienced with scripting -Worldspace designers -Interior Designers -Armor/Weapons/Clothing designers -Concept Artists -Anyone with a good understanding of creating Radio Stations These are not the only positions, if you feel you have an asset please feel free to contact me This project requires too much time and resources for 1 man, so any form of assistance would be graciously accepted I would really like to see my project completed for the community to enjoy. Its creation has brought me countless joy, and sometimes misery, but nevertheless its my child and I want to see it succeed. The Mod has been available for several months. Download here to see the progress, as well as the things to come!
  12. Yes, whenever I export the NIF through 3DS Max and use NifSkope to save it, it will not show up in GECK when I try to make a new Movable Static object.
  13. So I have this model, and I've made an animation for it using 3DS Max. It works fine, I can export it as a NIF with not problem. When I load it up in NifSkope I also have no problems, but heres the issue. I'm not sure how exactly to use NifSkope to make the object appear In-Game. Does anyone know how to do this?
  14. Let me know what you think about its current status!
  15. Thank you, I hope to bring more attention to the project so that I can make it successful.
  16. The Empire Wasteland [WIP] Take a journey to the distant city of New York as you encounter the new worldspaces, factions and enemies that inhabit the once glorious metropolis. Looking for a dedicated team of modders! For the longest time, this project has been tackled purely by myself, alongside members of the community offering small bits of help. But now, my arrogance has gotten the best of me and I now see in order to reach my goal, this cannot be a solo-project. If you fit any of the following positions and would like to help the project, please PM me: -Texturing Artists -Experienced 3D Modelers -Those experienced with scripting -Worldspace designers -Interior Designers -Armor/Weapons/Clothing designers -Concept Artists -Anyone with a good understanding of creating Radio Stations These are not the only positions, if you feel you have an asset please feel free to contact me This project requires too much time and resources for 1 man, so any form of assistance would be graciously accepted I would really like to see my project completed for the community to enjoy. Its creation has brought me countless joy, and sometimes misery, but nevertheless its my child and I want to see it succeed. The Mod has been available for several months. Download here to see the progress, as well as the things to come!
  17. I had this idea in mind that when the player enters this trigger, they will undergo a capture like the one experienced with the Enclave in Fo3. With the script I made, I'm able to disable the player controls and cause the player to fall to the ground, but the timers will not work. Is there any reason why the screen won't fade to black and why the player will not be moved to the next marker? scn BigAppleMetroEndScript float timer BEGIN OnTriggerEnter player set timer to timer+getsecondspasseddisableplayercontrols 1 1 1 1 1 1 1player.AddScriptPackage NVDLC01PlayerKnockedOut if(timer>=2)&&(Timer<3) imod fadetoblackpermanentendif if(timer>=6)&&(Timer<7) player.removescriptpackage player.moveto WakeupREF endifendif END
  18. Hmm, that doesn't seem to be the problem. I have the Link To/Link From section filled out for each song and it still happens.
  19. Thats the one I used, so I went back and edited the radio stations. It seems to be that songs won't break, but the same song will replay twice and then go to the following track. Any idea what could be the issue?
  20. No, I am making completely new Radio Stations for a mod I've been building.
  21. It seems to be that songs will replay immediately after the song ends, and the 2nd time the song plays it won't even play to completion (it will play static and portions of the song as if the audio file was broke, but I'm certain it is not.) Secondly, if you select another radio station, the songs will just start over. Is there anyway to solve these issues? Because I really want to get the Stations operating properly.
  22. This seems to be an error that occurs every now and then for me and I can't seem to understand why it happens. So I basically took several vanilla weapons and merged them into a single weapon. The base is the Battle Rifle, but with the assault carbine magazine. I wanted the gun to function like the Sniper Rifle, so i made sure the String Index for the magazine was the same as the one for the Sniper Rifle, and it made sure the weapons reloading/attack animations were the same. I have no idea why the magazine won't move with the player's reloading animation, but if anyone could help that would be helpful. Below is a screenshot of what happens.
  23. I swear I will never understand this scripting stuff, it makes my head hurt :P You've been such a great help, I was able to achieve what I was going for! Thanks for helping me.
  24. Alright, thanks for the help. I'm still tweaking that second script to work properly, but despite the 1st script being hooked to a quest, wouldn't the Begin Gamemode command cause the artillery to fire all the time despite being attached to a quest?
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