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  1. Thanks alpha was key. Didn't know it needed that. Mostly used to working with 2D images. Now to adjusting everything slightly to the right and shrinking.
  2. Oops, sorry forgot that detail, I'm using Photoshop CS6.
  3. Trying to transfer a tattoo mod from one skin texture to another skin texture but running into some issues. First I tried the Nvidia plugin but that made the skin look like it's covered in frosting and sprinkles. Then I tried the Intel one and got the tattoos to show but the skin is still white. So any help would be appreciated.
  4. Problem with a smartphone authenticator is not everyone has one. I use my phone to make calls and that's it. Been using the same phone since high school. Still works for what I need. I shouldn't be forced to buy something to use this site. I also shouldn't be forced to use chrome for this site. Don't like it and don't have it installed. If I'm forced to use chrome the site will take a serious step back in my eyes.
  5. Don't think there is a mod like that. Best I can think of is the Invisible Shield mod by Kitanaimo which adds unique invisible dwarven shields in both heavy and light versions. You can couple this with the Transmogrification mod by Dienes and copy the stats and enchantments over to it from shields you find. Do be careful with that mod though when using it on vanilla items since it'll change that item for npcs too.
  6. You could look at SkyTweak. You can adjust the damage they do back to adept numbers and just reduce the damage you do. Problem with boosting armor is that it'd just taper off due to the reduction cap. And armor doesn't protect against spells so if you use magic it'd have the opposite effect of what you want. The mod is also compatible with mods that change the numbers themselves since it scans and sets the base value to what the mod made the default. The numbers also change as you get perks and stat increases. And if your talking about ASIS you have to set that using the MCM add on for SkyUI. It's all set to zero by default so it starts disabled. Which is why you probably didn't see anything.
  7. No I manually installed the drivers. I am using an Nvidia graphics card and got the drivers off their site. And C++ shouldn't be an issue I have 2012 installed. And that article doesn't. As it seems to be related to Dawnguard. Specifically stepping into the Soul Cairn. There's a big thread I also posted in over on Bethesda's forums. Link
  8. Yes, at 1.9. Yes, didn't do anything. And yes, kinda have to be since I recently did a reformat. So everything should be up to date.
  9. Having this issue as well, played through it before without issue. The only thing that's changed since I last played it a year ago is my OS with went from XP to 7. It also started during and after soul cairn. Tried everything I could find on the web such as installing VC++ 2012, DEP exceptions, etc. And still get it. It's random and I played fine for hours with Dawnguard installed. It seemed to start during the Beyond Death quest and has been happening since. Don't know what to do. Don't know why it'd work fine on XP but not Windows 7. EDIT: Curious if this is simply related to the quests and finishing them will make it go away. EDIT2: It did not. Got one after finish the entire quest line and going after the standing stone crown. Though at this point I'm positive it has to do with something that gets flagged after entering the Soul Cairn. Possibly those stones that drain your health. But I haven't heard the sound from them or seen glimpses of their effect anywhere like I've read in the odd post around the net.
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