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About Rex7Dragon95

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    United States
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    Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed

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  1. is it really that hard to add a text when you hit reply on a mod page comment y'all really can't add this @Rex7Dragon95 or Replying To Rex7Dragon95 doesn't even have to be fancy it can be a script that prints the text to a name as soon as you hit reply it adds Replying To user name here this is why arguments starts on nexus cause the conversation gets lost or scrambled i should know I've been on here for a LONG time. just saying but i doubt anyone cares or there just going to defend some junk reason for not doing it.
  2. so nexus... when are you going to let people use the emojis that are in built into windows 10 when leaving comments on mod pages https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-10-keyboard-tips-and-tricks-588e0b72-0fff-6d3f-aeee-6e5116097942 ð¥ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ಠ_ಠ
  3. ah that makes sense at lest now i know
  4. no I'm on my computer but its like every few times it happens.
  5. any one else getting weird ? when they post comments on mod pages.
  6. as the name says i want someone to make a mod that adds the Ambient Music from far harbor and nuka world, so it adds a bit more variety to the commonwealth.
  7. Took me a few read throughs to notice, but the change of "someone" to "anyone" is the change that the OP is promoting I believe (and though it's a subtle change does make the intent of the Console Modding Permission statement clearer in my opinion). Someone is basically the same as Anyone. Both ways are grammatically correct, and no changes are needed Also, OP made this unnecessary change well you are right but you need to stop and think from the perspective other people not just you. i mean i can understand it but but some other people might not as shown in my picture if anything, it could do with an adjustment.
  8. that's what i was thinking about mostly when i made this post. i was like if this person can't understand the context then what about other non english speaking people. Took me a few read throughs to notice, but the change of "someone" to "anyone" is the change that the OP is promoting I believe (and though it's a subtle change does make the intent of the Console Modding Permission statement clearer in my opinion). Someone is basically the same as Anyone. Both ways are grammatically correct, and no changes are needed Also, OP made this unnecessary change yeah i don't know why i did that, i guess the lack of a period made me want to finish the sentence (shrugs). just however is weird to me and I'm a U.S citizen .
  9. the way its worded is crap. Console modding permission The author gave permission for someone else to port this mod to console and for it to be uploaded to Bethesda.net. Please credit the author, however really should be this Console modding permission The author gave permission for anyone to port this mod to console and for it to be uploaded to Bethesda.net. Please credit the author, however you wish. or at lest adjust the context of it
  10. it should have been done since bodyslide came into existence all those years ago 20 December 2013 i cant download anything from loverlap , thier registration process is down at the moment , this website is rly bad and hard to deal with
  11. yeah... this is starting to become vary annoying. if this is going to keep happening i might as well turn uBlock Origin back on and forget about the faster download speed.
  12. my only complaint for vortex is the problem with oblivion mods and the lack of omod support, sure some people would say just use Oblivion Mod Manager witch i do but sooner or later problems are going to pop up due to the age of the program. some people would suggest to unpack the mod and pick the stuff you want and repack it but there are some omod's that have large complex installer script that do more then place files, some of them do changes to the games .ini and some of them have a lot of files in different folders and even worse some don't have manual install instructions. even thought it's an older game I'm wondering how this is going to be handled. i remember hearing that technically someone could make a add-on plugin for vortex so it can handle omod's.
  13. Actually you can with SteamPlay. Though you won't be able to swap mods under Linux, whatever you've installed with NMM will work, even SKSE. You just need to rename skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe. Also, SSE doesn't work yet. So, there's that.
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