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About RagnarMagnus

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  1. When i try to go on stirp Securitron gatekeepers are not talking to me so i cant ask for permission to get on the stirp. but they dont even try to stop me vhen i go to the strip. but securitrons on the other side of gate atacks me imediately after i get there. Whats the problem? Load order: [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] Project Nevada - Core.esm [X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp [X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm [X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp [X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [ ] XRocket.esm [X] Brahmin Bess.esm [X] New Vegas Error Corrections Complete - NO DLC.esm [X] XRocket.esp [X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp [ ] FlashlightNVSE.esp [ ] FalloutNV_lang.esp [ ] NVEC Complete FOOK Patch - NO DLC.esp [ ] NVEC Complete Lings Patch - NO DLC.esp [ ] NVEC Complete Improved Sound FX Patch.esp [ ] NVEC Reduce CTD.esp [X] ACF Brighter Days and Darker Nights v5 - Dark.esp [ ] AWOP DLC + GRA Conflict Error Fixes.esp [ ] AWOP DLC Conflict Error Fixes.esp [X] AWOP NO DLC Conflict Error Fixes.esp [X] UHNV.esp [ ] UHNV-Brighter Lighting.esp [ ] UHNV-Bobblehunt.esp [ ] UHNV-Chems.esp [ ] UHNV-More Mannequins.esp [X] Wasteland Defense.esp [ ] Follower Home Marker.esp [ ] Light My Flare.esp [X] NoFastTravel_NV.esp [ ] Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp [ ] UnlimitedCompanions.esp [ ] Powered Power Armor.esp [ ] Head Mounted Flashlight.esp [X] PA Footsteps.esp PC: AMD Athlon II X4 635 Processor 2.9GHz 4GB RAM Nvidia Gforce GTS 250 WIN7 64 (legal) Game version: steam no DLC's (legal)
  2. I started a fresh game and its OK. So probably it was corrupted savefile. Thank You all You were helpful. :down:
  3. Try official development forum. Wings are the best! i dont know better modeling softvare. At work iam using Inventor, at home i have Blender, Magic 3d and wings and using only wings (blender is the worst)
  4. I have strange issue, There is missing missing half of the NOVAC motel, And Gunrunners kiosk is missing almost entire, only few guns are levitating behind the robot and some fragments of walls are there. Do anyone know what causes it. I have original version with steam, without dlcs with few mods.
  5. Spear, halberd, poleaxe etc. belongs to polearms category so making a polearm skill tree is not a bad idea. Throwing spear on other side is a bad idea throwing polearm is called jawlin if em i correct not sure in english but dictionary says: Kopí = spear; oštěp = jawelin. Also self returning jawelin sounds like a cheat to me dont be lazy and go and fetch your thrown weapon. Arrows ar not returning either. :wink:
  6. This is a great idea. Actualy bladed weapons such as swords, daggers, machetes, falchions, katzbalgers, etc. weared without a sheat or carried on some sort of hanger are nonsense. In medieval europe had all of them sheats covering entire blade to protect the blade from stain. Also there is no proof of carrying weapons on back and there are several hystorical paintings picturing long arms carried at the hip, so its considered that all weapons even a those "big badas" two handed swords were carried in sheat hanged on a belt like short weapons. Also arrows was carried on hip and not on back. Reason is obvious: draw the sword or pul out arow from hip is more confortable and faster, than going with your hand all the way up over the shoulder to the back and draw the sword from there. Also draw sword that is longer than your forearm from the back mounted sheat is impossible.
  7. Hey imagine the atmosphere: You are alone in the dark cave, you can see only where the light of your torch can reach and you hear the monstrers in the dark. :biggrin: Drop a lit torch? great idea.
  8. Vampires are evil bloodsuckyng night horrors, and daylight is lethal for them. Vampirism is a curse, and people hate vampires for a good reason. Stop complaining find a cure or put a wooden stake trough your hart, that cures vampirism for sure. :thumbsup:
  9. Yes make the caves pitch black please! I have lots of torches, and no use for them.
  10. Why do somebody want to become an abomination? To be a vampire or werevolf isnt evil enough? Disgusting!
  11. Agree! Hate those fake lights especialy in caves. You know in real world, and some games are caves pitch black inside and you need light source of your own to see inside them. Iwant to ask any of you who is able to do it please make skyrim caves dark as the caves are meant to be. (except if there are torches or lanterns inside) :-)
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