This is a great idea. Actualy bladed weapons such as swords, daggers, machetes, falchions, katzbalgers, etc. weared without a sheat or carried on some sort of hanger are nonsense. In medieval europe had all of them sheats covering entire blade to protect the blade from stain. Also there is no proof of carrying weapons on back and there are several hystorical paintings picturing long arms carried at the hip, so its considered that all weapons even a those "big badas" two handed swords were carried in sheat hanged on a belt like short weapons. Also arrows was carried on hip and not on back. Reason is obvious: draw the sword or pul out arow from hip is more confortable and faster, than going with your hand all the way up over the shoulder to the back and draw the sword from there. Also draw sword that is longer than your forearm from the back mounted sheat is impossible.