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About MajorMueller

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  1. "One example that annoys me regularly is having my pre-war money targeted as a component when modifying leather armor." ---> http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5104/?
  2. Hi everyone, I play my Game in a very relaxed way. There is no desire to rush for me, becouse i love to walk with my good old dogmeat beside me. So i usaly walk when i travel in the wastelands, you know the type of slow speed we are forced to when carrying too much stuff. There for the overloading of my guy has no effect to me, mostly beside in combat when i start running (towards the enemy ofcourse). So i want the game to effect me when i got to much loot in my inventory! In a bigger way than it does actualy! I woud like to reduce the movement speed to a slug like speed, or even better make me walked like both legs are crippeled. But if this is not possible, i am okay when it would stop me from moving entirely. If you would make a mod that does that i woud be vary happy. If it could archived in altering some .ini tell me where please! I hope my english is not painfull to read. ^^
  3. i hope no one get me wrong but i hope some one will pick up my idea, so i push this up once a day ^^!
  4. oh oh oh oh oooooooooh, mea culpa mea culpa ^^ how could i miss it, i am downloading the grovatron mod and try it! I will got at least a good tool to make NPC´s do my will. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3284/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D3284&pUp=1
  5. Oh hell no, i do not want that perfection! I just want my player Character to move his lips, while i am overlaying my own or someones voice. If it is that more simple to make an NPC, move his lips, can i do that with a consol command!? I just want them to do a face animation. Anyway it is not that important by now!!! But back to topic. The cagoule, as an wearable in game item with out, changing player character stats, will make me very happy. :)
  6. i don´t know how i can explain myself. this support is amasing! I looking forward to that mod, but if it is not possible don´t breake your brain ;) It is not the bad thing when the Jacket also gives protektion for radioaktive area´s. I don´t cheat, ever when i am in a singleplayer game i stuck to my part, as any good Actor ^^ But in the meantime, can someone tell me if i can force my Character to talk, i mean move the mouth like in a conversation!? I know how to use the console [ tfc>tm>player.playidle chairskirttalka ] and it work but the lipps don´t move? is this even possible!? Thx again for the effort!!!
  7. THX fore the fast awnser! :) I try the oasis hood by myself! I put the radiation resistance in it and try that, but it dosen´t work in the rain from the enchanced weather mod. so i guess it is more than that!? !!!By now the model is not that imprtant, the priorety is to make it work in the radioaktive rain!!!
  8. Hi everyone! It is a long time ago since i learned english in scool, so please be patient with me, Thank you very much! Now to my request! I have installed the Enchanced Weather mod V2 and it works fine, iove the rain and i like the idea of radiaktive rain! But i miss a simple Jacked, that protect me. I now all the protection u can have in vanilla game but power armor and the radiation suite is just over the top in my opinion, for a bit rain. So i wish a new model jacked, like the Picture shows! http://www.wolkdirekt.com/images/280/AS2110/regenjacken-regenschutzbekleidung-regenjacke-gelb.jpg Bonus: + protection to 2 rad/sec ??? so it is just for the rain and not to go in radioaktive area´s + take damage in the rain so u have to repair it, time to time. may repair item some raider armor with a tire ;) ??? + perception goes down to ??? -10 (i can do this by my own but may some other´s can´t) YES I LIKE CHANGING MY CLOTHES FOR DIFFERENT SITUATION`S :)
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