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About Blackrain69

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    Fallout 1 and 2, Daggerfall ,Mount&Blade..New Vegas and many others..

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  1. Don't buy ATI save you're money get a high end Nivida card... MSI GTX590 3GB, the people i know with this card have no issue's at all! unfortuantely its asking price is around $800 to $900 Aud which is roughly half that in british pounds. Save you're pennies Don't go the cheaper ATI you will pay for it in the end.
  2. Todays so called large address fix dosn't do jack... I still crash on fast traveling to whiterun, its still having a heart attack with any mod i use. Still only playable in vanilla, looks liek Bethesda just glossed over a fix and did nothing, for i do not see any changes that had a positive affect. If you're running a 32 bit system forget modding skyrim because they have done something since 1.2 patch which makes modding impossible.
  3. I don't have the same problems as first poster did, I have a game breaker with the Jarl of Riften .. After i buy the house in riften im suppose to report back to the Jarl so she can give me the title Thane, but when i return to see her the quest marker is above her head yet she dosn't complete the quest. This stuffed my first char which was about 80 or so hours play, i restarted a new char and completed the quest. Seems Auto saves are the real issue never load off them if you can avoid it as they seem to cause quest bugs and glitchs, Fallout had the same issue, that said exploring and picking up quest items before you take the quest will usually break the game aswell which is also something carried over from the Fallouts.
  4. Its a game bug with the werewolf quest... I cured myself it removes the werewolf ability but still says you're a werewolf, guards still say you smell like a dog or have hair growing out of you're ears, also under my game stats it still says im a werewolf i cured it 20 days into the game.. over 100 days later still says im a werewolf even tho i cured the dam crap... It's a sucky form anyway that really doesn't help much, just a shame i will not do the companions quest line with my 2nd character because its buged.
  5. lmao.. CTD again? Not a CTD thread! :D Its all related black screen's and the CTD are related to the PC looking for memory, it's because you're all trying to read very high res texture's, lowing you're GPU will only put more stress back on to you're CPU which slows everything down and can cause black screens and CTD's so thats why i bring up CTD's. Best to just wait for a fix from Bethesda. This is mainly a windows7 32 issue because the LAA isn't working where the 64 already has LAA, also the fact windows7 64 will recoginze above 4 GB ram and means you can solve the issue with the 4GB mod which is not working for 32.
  6. Becareful because thats a sign you're vid card is about to burn out, i've had it happen while modding Mount & Blade with hi res textures. All the CTD's latey remind me of Daggerfall if anyone remembers when that game came out it used to corrupt you're hard drive, seems like bethesda had to carry on the tradtion with Skyrim.
  7. Yep me too, this is the last ATI card i buy since they can't be bothered to optimize their cards properly, and bethesda are just as bad having such a s*** memory leak.. this is unfixable till the dev's decide to start pulling some weight. They should not make a game moddable then break everyones game at first sign of a patch, typical bethesda relying on the modding communtiy to fix and upgrade their game, look at the NV expanions hell half the mechanic's for that game were made by modders in fallout 3, lazy dev's with too much money!
  8. Please don't put dodgy links to crap registery cleaners... they as bad as virus's very invasive active x controls, the driver package you install should have an optimizer to use for overclocking. It is a good idea, tho i don't usually have power savers on because of the problem's it cause's.
  9. first under you're gameplay options should be a selector to enable crosshair... which i usually take off as its annoying as s***. If not using a crosshair go into sneak mode and use the eye to target.
  10. Check to make sure you have the correct power supply for you're machine... Vid cards are using a fair amount of power these days a decent card will use 400+ watts plus you're pc will need about 200 to 300 watts.. you want a fairly big power supply 760 watts or more depends on how much power you're card or cards use. Restarting pc's are usually a power sup problem or surge issue but i also agree that it could be from overheating of the vid card but that doesn't usually shut you down you may just get a black screen while the pc is still running.
  11. Sorry but i fail to see how underclocking helps here... you need more power not less
  12. You might consider trying the Nivida Beta drivers as they are more stable then ATI and may fix you're CTD's.
  13. Im pretty sure this might be a steam issue with the mod manager,check out you're 4GBskyrim.log in under documents/mygames folder, look at the last few lines you may see something like this Attempting to load skse_steam_loader.dll - Failed -> The specified module could not be found. im pretty sure this is why the 4GB mod isn't working as its doesn't seem to recognize the LAA needed, i wish i could help you out but i been looking for a solution myself i just thought you may be having the same problem as i am with random crashing, tho i find most of my CTD's are around Whiterun either fast traveling to the city or walking around just outside the city gates. There is an ATI fix for the 4GB mod but that doesn't seem to work for me. But my guess this is a Vram issue for bethesda and ATI
  14. Ok i've been up all nite trying to work out why my game keeps crashing, im not big on coding so any help here would be nice :) Here's my list you may notice im having the same issue with the SKSE from steam among other things the last few lines seem to tell me that the 4 gig mod hasn't worked properly, its seem to have injected but the LAA isn't being recognised. Loader: Getting windows version - 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Loader: Parsing Command Line... Loader: Getting executable name - C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\skyrim4gb.exe Loader: Trying to get Skyrim path from Bethesda Softworks registry key Loader: Attmepting to open HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim - Succeeded Loader: Attempting to query size of "Installed Path" value - Succeeded Loader: Attempting to query "Installed Path" value - Succeeded Loader: Changing directory to c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\ Loader: Original exe is: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe Loader: LAA exe is: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe.4gb Loader: Validating original exe... Loader: Validation passed Loader: Making sure original and LAA exe are not the same file - They aren't Loader: Making sure this executable is not c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe - It isn't Loader: Making sure this executable is not c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe.4gb - It isn't Loader: Getting file attributes for original exe Loader: Checking if file attributes for original exe and LAA exe match - They did. Loader: Validating and checking status of c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe.4gb... Loader: seems good Loader: Setting SteamAPPId environment variable to 72850 (default) Loader: Creating process: "c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe.4gb" Loader: Allocating memory buffer in child procress - Success. Buffer at 7FFA0000 Loader: Getting handle to Kernel32 Loader: Getting filename of Kernel32 Loader: Getting module information for Kernel32 Loader: Creating remote thread to initialize libraries Loader: Waiting for remote thread to exit Loader: Getting number of modules loaded in child process Loader: Getting handles to modules loaded in child process Loader: Looking for handle to Kernel32 in module handle list from child process Loader: Injecting dll loader code into child process. Loader: Writing injection data into child process. Loader: Creating remote thread to load helper dll Loader: Waiting for remote thread to exit skyrim4gb_helper: successfully injected Executable filename: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\TESV.exe.4gb Executable address: 0x400000 Unsetting LAA Bit Getting Handle to KERNEL32 - Succeeded Redirecting GetModuleFileNameA Loading additional DLLs Attempting to load skse_steam_loader.dll - Failed -> The specified module could not be found. skyrim4gb_helper: returning from CompleteInjection Loader: Checking if LAA has any effect - It doesn't. Operating System must be 32bit without /3GB switch enabled Loader: Starting main thread in child process Loader: Exiting WTF does this mean? Operating System must be 32bit without /3GB switch enabled
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