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Everything posted by jrjimbo

  1. Here is a post. Try through my profile.
  2. Okay - just in case anyone is still wondering the same as me... I just saw video on youtube from FO3 of someone working on a driveable golf cart, and it looks like it could do the job - by gizmojunk. I don't know how to get to him or perhaps if someone knows where he's at with it, - should be easy enough to get it working as a small dunebuggy, perfect for the desert. Keep up the good work, modders!
  3. There is the Tactical Weapons Pack by Toxa; has a crossbow in it - just may not be on the nexus; not sure.
  4. Good idea - not sure why they didn't have it - would think that true tribals in the area would have probably descended from the real tribes in the area, only more of a society built around the old ways.
  5. Check out this - "Play After Main Quest" mod: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40373 Hope that helps. There is at least one other older file on the nexus. Good luck!
  6. Has anyone ever tried or know anyone who has been trying to make a functioning driveable four-wheeled vehicle? Something along the lines of the Advanced J3X Motorcycle or the hover chair or hoverboard mods, but in a jeep or truck? Probably best to be something open-topped. Some say it isn't possible given the game mechanics...the road and wheels interacting, but since it's the future - what about a hover car, open top hover jeep - anti-grav perhaps? It is Vegas, so a convertible works - something to cruise in down to Primm on a Sunday afternoon, with a few companions, of course. With a big trunk for all the caps and loot. Bringing companions along is the aim - don't like to use Fast Travel much. Some of the ideas I have thought about; [ ] Dune buggy or Jeep - a two seater, could be done with either one sitting in front and one directly behind - like a thin vehicle seen in Mad Max movies, so acting more like the "Advanced J3X Motorcycle" mod by invalidfate (and others, with original from FO3 by VeliV), or a normal one where two people just sit side by side. With or without the "Double Carry Token" he uses. Any other companions could be given their own vehicle to follow along with the "Ride Companion Token's" as used in that mod. [ ] Larger truck or jeep with more seats - a working Humvee would be awesome - have seen a couple of examples - "Red Rock Ranch" mod by northfield most recently in game - an excellent one parked by the ranch house with see through windows and gun mount on top. Or an open topped Land Rover - for the Brits out there - like the original SAS in WW2 Africa. [ ] Anti-Grav or Hover Car/truck - probably easiest to do - a bigger better looking hover chair and not necessarily a flying car, but something that stays close to the ground. And if no wheels to avoid interacting-with-the-ground problems. Interested to know any thoughts or other ideas on the subject. It does take place in America after all, and if there are robots and vertibirds and reconditioned WW2 planes - well, no one likes to walk everywhere if they don't have to, right? Thanks!
  7. @ chuckSteel Thank you for your quick response! (...were you monitoring this topic, or does it alert modders when names are used?) Awesome to hear you still have interest - look forward to new release. Again, it's all much appreciated. I know that many download but few take the time to go back and endorse, which I should do more as well. Will the new work affect AWOP areas at all? I don't have it running yet but was thinking about it and looks like it changes a lot of interiors. I have another question of you, since I see you did that Military Vehicles mod - ever try or know anyone who has been trying to make a functioning driveable four-wheeled vehicle? Something along the lines of J3X's motorcycle or even the hover chair or hoverboard mods, but in a jeep or truck? Probably best to be something open-topped. Some say it isn't possible given the game mechanics...the road and wheels interacting, but since it's the future - what about a hover car, open top hover jeep - anti-grav perhaps? Something to cruise in down to Primm on a Sunday afternoon...? With a few companions, of course. I suppose I should put all this into another formal request page. Cheers!
  8. ...one other thing - I looked and the pic from "Valley of the Khan" is upcoming work being done by Bond123 - an excellent and prolific modder to be sure - and I can't believe I didn't think to mention in earlier post. For completed work and more windows on the world-space - check out his similar house work - Bonds Skyrim Lodge here; http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41786 He even mentions in the beginning of his description of this mod that he wanted to achieve doing just that - being able to look out windows. I hope this all has helped.
  9. (First time comment!) This is a very interesting subject - one that has actually been successfully attempted in different ways - both back in at least one FO3 Mod and in FONV, if anyone wants to check it out. For FO3 - an excellent and huge job done by chucksteel on the "DCInteriors Project" Mod for that game. It improved many of the city blocks and added hours of game play by enabling more exploration and combat - basically adding lots of cool interiors to many of the boarded up places throughout the DC wastes. In that mod, a number of the mainfloor storefront locations with windows allowed one to look out once inside and see the actual streets in the game - truly amazed when I saw that. Of course, since they were seperate interior cells, this meant they didn't show any characters outside - supermutants or centaurs walking around, or companions left waiting - but it did the job and looked awesome. This as a minimum shouldn't be hard to put in NV as it's much the same game, right? For FONV - check out "New Vegas Interiors West Vegas" Mod by RideTheCatfish, who is working with chucksteel - hope they do more because it looks great so far! No windows that I've found yet, though they may be there! Recently, in the mod "Red Rock Ranch" by northfield (excellent so far - I have yet to complete!), if you use the truck to fast-travel to the hunting cabin up in the mountains past Jacobstown (which is the only way to get there), when you enter - the door stays open, and when you go inside, turn around and look out the two windows, seeing your companions still standing outside as well as the dogs walking around - so cool. It must be that the whole place is in it's own worldspace - it's own exterior cell? Anyway - good idea! While not a modder myself - sure appreciate the work being done out there in the community. Keep up the great work, y'all! Oh - and death to Caesar!
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