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Posts posted by Dwlr

  1. You haven't needed to use LOOT because it's built-in to Vortex.

    Just trying to cover all bases as I asked a buddy of mine if he had a solution and he said I needed LOOT, didn't seem right considering everything was working perfectly fine so I thought I'd try a post here instead.



    Stuff and such

    Thanks, I was worried it was going to be a royal pain holding out slight hope that it wouldn't be and had those hopes dashed on the jagged rocks of realty where they died a horrible painful death, scarred a local child that stumbled upon them when combing the beach for shells and put them in therapy for years and years where the vision of the mangled and broken remains still haunt their nightmares. At least I have a step by step for a confirmed working method though so silver linings.

  2. Are you using Vortex?

    Yes, sorry thought that would be assumed in the Vortex support section, but that's what I get for assuming. The version number is 1.3.13 and I haven't needed to use any other supplementary programs like LOOT so they're all managed through Vortex.

  3. Is there any relatively easy way to transfer installed mods from on PC to another and run the same mods in the same order without having to go through each and every mod again for conflicts? I'm ultimately looking for a way to continue a game from one PC on another if possible seamlessly. I realize I'll have to move the files in some way shape or form and I'm hoping to do that via a shared network rather than a physical method of transfer if at all possible. The mods are currently stored on the the computer's hard drive not any sort of portable medium.

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