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Everything posted by dinofinder

  1. In response to post #24575764. #24575884, #24576014, #24576019, #24576029, #24576179, #24576534, #24577229 are all replies on the same post. @ marthgun - I'm not saying that I'm not going to donate, in fact I didn't even say that others should while I have not yet. What I was trying to say is that despite the whole Valve thing going on. I support the decisions that the people who are creating the mods are making because I do appreciate what they have been doing for us thus far. Even if my actions here are not showing it, I do appreciate the hard work they have done. If I didn't, then what point would there in me being here at this website right now trying to argue as such? Or even in downloading their mods and enjoying the game even more so because of them?
  2. In response to post #24575764. #24575884, #24576014, #24576019, #24576029, #24576179 are all replies on the same post. Well to be honest before I didn't have a job to be able to afford to (Still am living at home with the family), and I hadn't really given much thought into it after I recently just finally got one, guess I haven't endorsed much either like I should have been, there are tons of great mods here on the nexus that deserve to be. edit: I know, I pretty much failed on the donate button front and I've always seen it.
  3. While I may not be happy with how Valve is going about it, I do support mod makers like Chesko and others who have been, and still will be, giving us all great mods to improve on our overall game experiences. I would gladly pay for some of the mods on there just to help give these mod makers even in the slightest bit to show them that I am grateful and appreciate their work for what they have done.
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