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About Arneercool

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    Total war warhammer 2

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  1. Hmm. Guess i'm s#*! out of luck. 6 hours messing around must be enough. Hopefully some future update will fix the issue as it seems it only hangs up on select mods.
  2. You found a fix? I feel like i tried everything and searched far and wide for a solution
  3. I have the same issue. Vortex whitescreen crash/reboot vortex. I have tried reinstalling vortex, update/rapair .net, get drivers up to date, and the same with windows updates and messed about with exceptions in windows defender. I have searched every corner of the internet. It worked fine until last night
  4. Same. Whitescreen crash, then a lot of messages. I have tried reinstalling vortex and updating .net. Worked fine until last night
  5. technically I should be able to download at 12mb/s , and that has never happened around here. Yeah, and there are a lot of reasons you will never see those speeds. Most of which, Nexus has zero control over. I have a 15mb/s connection here at home, (yeah, slow by a lot of folks standards these days.....) but, the only time I see those speeds, is when I am doing a speed test....... For the most part, no matter where I am downloading from, if I see anything over 1.5mb/s, I consider myself doing good..... It isn't necessarily Nexus, or your ISP that is the problem either, it's everyone in between... Some folks purposely limit speeds on certain types of traffic...... according to theory, that isn't legal, but, it's done anyway. WHEN you download is also a factor..... if the servers are really busy, you get slow speeds.... if the servers have very little traffic, your speed is better. Tracking down these problems is just so much fun.... :smile: There is a 'troubleshooting guide' around here somewhere for download issues. (as they seem to be kinda common.....) I'm not quite sure what is at play here, but i get my moneys worth on both steam, origin, uplay, rockstar launcher, and so on. A direct download through google will even sometimes top out at 14mb/s. May wanna have a read here, and see if anything shakes loose. Not really, only nexus throttle, and i'm practically neighbors with the UK. My country has the best digital infrastructure of all of Scandinavia. The only logical answer is revenge for Lindisfarne Don't really matter actually, i can live with it, 6mb/s is fair enough
  6. technically I should be able to download at 12mb/s , and that has never happened around here. Yeah, and there are a lot of reasons you will never see those speeds. Most of which, Nexus has zero control over. I have a 15mb/s connection here at home, (yeah, slow by a lot of folks standards these days.....) but, the only time I see those speeds, is when I am doing a speed test....... For the most part, no matter where I am downloading from, if I see anything over 1.5mb/s, I consider myself doing good..... It isn't necessarily Nexus, or your ISP that is the problem either, it's everyone in between... Some folks purposely limit speeds on certain types of traffic...... according to theory, that isn't legal, but, it's done anyway. WHEN you download is also a factor..... if the servers are really busy, you get slow speeds.... if the servers have very little traffic, your speed is better. Tracking down these problems is just so much fun.... :smile: There is a 'troubleshooting guide' around here somewhere for download issues. (as they seem to be kinda common.....) I'm not quite sure what is at play here, but i get my moneys worth on both steam, origin, uplay, rockstar launcher, and so on. A direct download through google will even sometimes top out at 14mb/s.
  7. I think creativity has changed. Watching my son navigate in 3d spaces is out of this world. And they leave us in the dirt when it comes to affinity for computers and willingness to learn, but only if it somehow benefits them to do so. The kids are alright. I'm more concerned about our unwillingness to learn pretty much anything. So kids, don't listen to your dad, he's full of s*** most likely.
  8. technically I should be able to download at 12mb/s , and that has never happened around here.
  9. Modders leaving while slamming the door, is not really a new thing. And who can blame them? With that said. If you set yourself up as an 'pro' modder/semi business, people are going to expect a lot from you. And some have an tendency to think that they are some kind of NexusJesus. Entitlement all around sours the whole thing.
  10. It has some quirks, but besides that, i feel like it should be earned, somehow, preferable after you have spend 3-5000 hours in xedit, vortex and mod organizer. I'm not an elitarian, but it seems to be that you are setting yourself up to becoming an annoyance in the help section if you skip the 'inner workings' of the modding process.
  11. You gotta keep in mind that many people just don't have people skills. There is a reason they ended up behind a monitor, and it was not an car accident. Cheer up, and know that there are a lot of empathic and nice people out there.
  12. Well, https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/best-countries-to-live-in The evidence speaks for itself. U.S is not even top 10, all the Scandinavian countries are. Someone has filled you with bullshit, probably fox news.
  13. Got 2 actually, and a family to provide for. But if i someday am unable to work, my Scandinavian socialist country will take care of me. And that fills me with joy and pride. It gives me time to contemplate other things, like big picture stuff. I'm not afraid that everything i have could be gone tomorrow, so i'm not that concerned what others got. The only time i look at their plate is to make sure that it is full.
  14. Actually, there are laws on the books that SHOULD prevent exactly that. However, due to various other laws that are in place, doctors CAN'T inform any government agency that their patient shouldn't be allowed to own weapons. Patients tend to sue over privacy concerns, and that whole 'doctor/patient privilege' thing. So far, I have been unable to find any statistics on how many of those legally purchased weapons, were in the hands of someone that SHOULDN'T have been able to have one. (the newtown shooter being right at the top of that list. His MOM bought it for him......) The new york shooter a couple years back had his girlfriend buy his. (he was a convicted felon, not too long out of prison...... so, shouldn't have had a weapon either.) The two california shooters (also several years back) did indeed legally purchase their weapons, and then applied modifications that made them patently illegal. (in california......) And then we have the whole "not telling the right people" that someone shouldn't be able to purchase firearms..... (the guy that was discharged from the airforce for mental issues, and the AF never bothered to inform anyone about it.) Now, the Vegas shooter...... No criminal history, no history of mental issues, yet he still holds the record for number of dead. (in the US.....) Of course, we have the conspiracy theorists claiming he was a patsy..... but, there is zero proof of that.... and interest in that evaporated fairly quickly. (at least, in the public eye.) And then we have the fact that mass shooting deaths are a VERY tiny percentage of all firearm deaths....... More than half are suicides, of the rest, most are gang related, and handguns are the primary weapon. Long guns in general, which includes 'assault rifles', account for around 3% of all firearm deaths. The 'assault rifles' are a tiny subset of the 'long guns' category. Banning them will have zero effect on murder rate. I'm all for more weapons in the us. Let that God forsaken loveless place tear itself apart from the inside. Most of you are going to hell, I'm 100% sure of it. You are heretics who worships power and money.
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