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About xKingMobb

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    United States
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  1. Open your console and type in "setstage MQ301 120" without the quotation marks. Then, exit onto the Dragonsreach balcony and see if you can call him again to trap him.
  2. I have never ran into this problem before but maybe try using the console to set the mission to the point you have to go capture Odahviing and then proceed to Dragonsreach and try and recapture him that way? Not sure if it will work but this is usually how I fix bugged quest without having to reload a save.
  3. Use "setstage CR11 200" to finish that quest. I know you said you completed the story line but I know this quest cannot be taken after you reforge Wuuthrad in the quest "Glory of the Dead". Anything glitch out or something at that time?
  4. Ah okay. Yeah there is a thing with Cidhna Mine that messes up other quest to the point of not showing quest markers or quest items such as dragon claws and what not. Trying finishing the quest or if you have try using either "setstage MS02 100" (Escaping with Madanach) or "setstage MS02 250" (Killing Madanach). Let me know if either return your quest items or fix the issue.
  5. Out of curiosity, did you go through the Cidhna Mine quest line?
  6. Hello, I've recently been plagued by a problem with certain NPC's have completely darkened body textures when loading into a saved game or sometimes when loading a new cell. Although it has been happening more so recently than I've noticed previously. I tried messing around with my Skyrim graphics settings themselves but have yet to resolve the issue. Here are my PC specs: AMD A10-5800K APU GeForce GTX 750 Ti 8 GB RAM (4 GB VRAM) One strange thing I have noticed is that the problem only occurs to NPC's not affected by my three Bijin mods (Bijin Warmaidens, NPCs and Wives). The black body glitch never happens to any of them only other female NPC's (Never males) but the hands, feet and head keep their textures/meshes. So I figured this was not a VRAM issue but perhaps a shader or texture/mesh loading problem? I don't know of any mod that would mess with this but not the Bijin girls. Here is a list of my mods, I run about 150-165 depending on my playthrough. The glitch usually starts in populated areas such as cities and villages but when I leave the area and return the female bodies will load properly or if I go right up to them the black texture will disappear and reveal their normal body mesh. But if I back away even by a foot it returns to pure blackness. Any help would be appreciated.
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