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Everything posted by sasa8585

  1. Hey, post apocalypse RPG fans, here’s some good news for you irrespective of which platform you play New Vegas on: Bethesda have confirmed that three new batches of DLC will be coming for Obsidian’s Fallout: New Vegas. A few weeks ago, a patent application surfaced which held numerous hints at future DLC for the title; Bethesda has since confirmed what everyone had already been guessing at. The great news is that the next three instalments of DLC will not be timed exclusives for the Xbox 360. All three batches will be coming to the PlayStation 3 and PC at the same time. But what of the first load of DLC for PlayStation 3 and PC, Dead Money? Dead Money launched on Xbox 360 in December last year, much to the annoyance of PS3 and PC gamers. The first instalment of DLC will arrive on 22 February for those two platforms. PC users will find the DLC via Steam or Direct 2 Drive, and PlayStation 3 gamers will obviously pick up the content via the PSN. As for the new DLC, they will be entitled Lonesome Road, Honest Hearts and Old World Blues if the patent filings are anything to go by. You’ll have to speculate as to what they’ll entail because Bethesda has said that they will be sharing more information on them soon and that we can expect them “in the coming months”. Here’s hoping the extra content will add something to the existing game; while it’s a good Fallout RPG, I have been feeling as if there’s something missing. And feel totally bad about that because I loved the hell out of Fallout 3. This one is just not grabbing us like its predecessor did.
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