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Posts posted by Wolvenna

  1. If you run into a problem like this again, a simple solution is usually to run LOOT again (if you haven't already) and make sure that texture/mesh altering mods (like SMIM) are overwriting everything else when they're installed. ModOrganizer makes this easy to do, but back when I was using Nexus Mod Manger I would manually reinstall mods that might be causing an issue like this and tell them to overwrite everything. It was tedious, but it worked.

  2. It sounds like you might benefit from running ENBoost if you're not running it already. Skyrim wasn't designed to take advantage of larger Video Cards with lots of VRAM. From your load order it looks like you're already running ENB so here's a quick video about turning on and tweaking your settings for ENBoost, I hope it helps.



    I'm not 100% certain that it will fix all of your problems, but it certainly can't hurt.

  3. By Instant CTD do you mean right after the Bethesda logo? If so, then that's caused by a missing master file. Meaning a mod you've got installed relies on another mod that's not present or is getting loaded after it. LOOT usually takes care to make sure that mods are loaded after the mods they're dependent on. So that probably means you're missing a plugin.


    I only glanced over your load list because it's kind of hard to read it the way you've got it. I'm not seeing the Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) in your list, but you've got several plugins that seem to rely on SMIM. Might be a place to start...


    What mod manager are you using?

  4. I use SFO and Verdant together without issue in my mod set up, but I don't recognize the Grass Variants.esp in your first picture. Try disabling that and see if it goes away.

  5. MO isn't that hard to learn. It's actually a lot more intuitive than people give it credit for. It makes it very easy to correct things and make sure everything's cleaned up properly.


    As for your current situation. If your game is running fine and Interesting NPCs is working now, then there shouldn't be a problem. Unless I'm not understanding your post.

  6. I'm not sure if this will solve all of your issues, but Quick Load and Quick Save are probably the worst way to save/load your game. They're known to be unstable and not work properly.

  7. Okay so a couple of thoughts;


    You have RacemenuMorphs is this the Bodyslide plugin? I only ask because I'm not familiar with bodyslide so I'm not 100%. However, it looks like it is loading before Racemenu when I'm pretty sure that if it's a plugin for Racemenu it should load AFTER.


    Second thought, if the Racemenumorphs is part of bodyslide then I think you need something like the XP32 skeleton installed.

  8. Okay, since you're a bit of a newbie here I suggest you start with something simple. Download Nexus Mod Manager and download LOOT. Download the mods you want to play with NMM and sort them with LOOT.


    That should be more than enough to get you started. Once you want to get into more advanced modding with larger mod lists then you can switch to Mod Organizer or Wrye Bash, but for now you're probably just going to want to get used to running mods and getting them to work together.


    Just keep in mind, there's really no "correct" way to mod (just don't ever dump mods directly into the Data Folder, it will make your life easier). The key is finding what works for you and lets you achieve your desired mod set up.


    Eventually you'll get into more advanced tools (Mod Organizer, TESVEdit and Wrye Bash) but for now Nexus Mod Manager and LOOT will get you started.

  9. First, please forgive me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you've never created a mod for Skyrim before. If that's the case, I suggest you start small. You should go through this Creation Kit tutorial series on TESalliance. They walk through pretty much all the basics in a really easy to understand format. It helps make the CK seem a lot less daunting.


    After that, you can search for any of a hundred different tutorials on the types of things you want to accomplish. Just keep in mind, once you've released a mod or two, other modders are going to be more likely to want to work with you in the future. But as a newcomer with no track record you're going to have a harder time getting anyone to help you.


    A mod of the size that you're planning is definitely something that's going to require multiple people working together. So it's worth if for you to start small. Learn the ropes. Release a smaller mod or two first, and then try this again.

  10. Try installing the memory blocks log (just download and install like any other mod).


    1. Play your game until it crashes.
    2. Open the overwrite folder in Mod Organizer and their should be a new file called memoryblockslog.log.
    3. There will be two columns. These represent your memory usage. We're interested in block 1.
    4. First, look at the number at the top of block 1. (It should say something like 256MB)
    5. Now look at the number at the bottom of block 2.
    6. If they're they same then you're having a memory issue with Skyrim

    If that's the case we can fix this really easily by turning on SSME


    Go here and download the SKSE.ini from under the files section. Just enable it like any other mod, but make sure it is the last thing on the left window of Mod Organizer to avoid any accidental overwrites.


    Then repeat the steps I outlined above. For me, just the default settings eliminated 90% of my crashes.


    If you're not maxing out your memory, then turn on SSME anyway (there's literally no reason not to). Then we can start looking for other solutions.

  11. A couple of thoughts...first is that your actual load order? Because if it is, I think you need to run LOOT and sort that out straight away.


    Second, I only skimmed that massive paragraph up there, but am I right in assuming that you've installed mods both through NMM and manual installation?


    Third, I see none of the unofficial patches in that list.


    Fourth, are you using SSME? Since it sounds like a lot of your crashes are coming from loading new worldspaces which makes me think memory related crashes.

  12. If you've got mods installed then you should go through and update everything. There has been at least one (minor) Steam update for Skyrim recently and mods like the Unofficial patches will need to be updated to the newest version. Any mod that has a dependency on the Update.esm will probably need to be updated as well. You should also probably weed out any outdated mods that aren't supported anymore.


    I'm not 100% certain that this will fix your problem, but it's a good place to start.

  13. When modA relies on modB in order to function modB is the master file. ModB will usually have a name like ModB.esm while ModA will be ModB.esp. If ModB hasn't been loaded by the time ModA gets loaded then Skyrim will crash because the information it's expecting isn't there.


    For now, just install and run LOOT. It usually does a good job of sorting everything on its own. If you want a more detailed explanation you can watch this video:

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