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Everything posted by matthew16

  1. That was my initial thought behind this. In the trailers and the opening you see all the women wearing dresses, and I was very excited to put my character based off of Mary Queen of Scots (Reign version) into a proper noble dress only to find out that its not even possible. I've spoken to a modder called Jenya66 who made the NPC Hairstyles for the Arisen and Pawns mod, and there were a bunch of people on that post who expressed the same thing. Even Jenya66 wanted it for their character so she said she'll see what she can do about it. So if we're all lucky she might be our saviour and deliver us a ballgown mod
  2. Could someone interested in this please make a mod to allow it. Id love for my character to wear a dress like the woman in the picture instead of the Geralt of Rivia Vizima gear. Id really appreciate it :D. *UPDATE* there are 2 mods now available for dresses. One for the courtly clothes by the amazing Jeyna66 https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/images/782?BH=0 and a second that uses the dress Disa wears https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/478
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