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Everything posted by Bigfatmeow

  1. Just wanna see a retexture of the shed in Freelancer, where the paint covers the whole thing, instead of just 60% of it.
  2. I always feel bad asking for modders to put work on their plates, but I don't have the knowhow to do this myself and hopefully someone out there does, and feels like what I'm asking for is a good idea. Simply put, I love the classic suit in the first Spider-Man Game, just classic red and blue, with almost no frills; it's just translated to 3D and it looks amazing... But the classic black and red in Miles's game isn't as appealing to me. Because it's got all this extra stuff! The extra material on the forearms, all those extra lines on the legs, the weird lil belt of shapes, lil kneepads and chevrons of a shinier texture, for some reason the suit has it's own shoes? It sort of gets in the way of Miles's usual design appeal to me, which is that his suit is even more streamlined and smooth than Peter's. Sooo yeah. I am throwing it out into the void: I would like a version of Miles's suit with no frills. As streamlined and simple as Peter's.
  3. There's tons of mods to turn Fallout 4 into not-fallout. Halo, Star Wars, modern weapons, modern clothing and armor... But, when going for that sort of thing it always takes me out of it that the Brotherhood of Steel is still clanking around in the ultra-iconic fallout power armor. I don't necessarily need the entire power armor to be changed, even just swapping the helmet for something more generic would be enough for my purposes. I've found plenty of extremely cool Power Armor mods in general, but, none that actually replace those distinctly fallout helmets. Any help appreciated. If none, owell.
  4. I've looked through the nexus as best I can, and make sure to correct me if I'm just not searching for the right thing or just not seeing it... But nobody seems to have made a fix for Elf ears blatantly clipping through hoods. Especially the hoods worn by mages- which are mostly elves. It seems really weird to me that something as obvious as this seems to have gone completely unmodded! I don't know if it's possible to hide the ears while wearing a hood or helmet or something, but a 'shorter ears' mod would solve the problem too. They can still be pointy of course, they're not elves without pointy ears, but they shouldn't clip through the main headgear of the vast majority of non-thalmor aligned elves. ...Infact they might even clip through the thalmor hood, thinking about it. I haven't checked.
  5. little extra information Sid has 200 will, Ken has 200 aim (even with snapshot instead of squadsight!), Otto has 100 health, and as far as I know Joe doesn't have a specialized stat like the others, just 100 in both aim and will. For those who don't know- Ken Levine is the founder of Irrational Games Joe Kelly is the writer of Deadpool, Uncanny X-Men, Action Comics, and JLA, and also apparantly one of the creators of Ben 10. And Otto Zander is the main character of most of GuavaMoment's LPs of the XCOM series... And also the name of a very influential nazi- he's not named after the second thing. :P I don't need to explain who Sid Meier is. They also all have custom nicknames. Sid Meier is 'Godfather' Ken Levine is 'Big Daddy' Joe Kelly is 'Archangel' and Otto Zander is 'Unbreakable' Just to 'fill out' the topic with all the info about them.
  6. A personal tip- Start in North America, then try to control Africa quickly. Their combined perks will make satellite construction a lot easier and allow you to move on to the others. At the same time though, don't be afraid to put satellites in high-panic areas elsewhere. Asia is big and easy to lose, and has arguably the best perk mid-game.
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