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  1. Anyone else fine the loud speaker announcements in Nuka World to be way too loud? Does anyone know how to shut it off or make a mod to do so? Thanks.
  2. Reposted from this thread; https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3806040-new-to-using-mods-cell-reset-question/?hl=%2Bmechanist+%2Blair&do=findComment&comment=38836025 I'd be interested in seeing a Mechanist's Lair mod. Even a total rebuild/overhaul would be nice just for the simplicity. I recently cleared out as much junk as I could there and it seems to be different as far as building goes. Vault 88 has been a pain as well. With no in game information to speak of, things like power are problematic. The through wall conduits are too short and such. I just haven't figured out how it works yet is all. I saw a mod that massively extends the power emitter range (from 500 to 10k) and have been considering that as a solution. I'd rather not but its not looking like theres a whole lot of options. That said, the massive vault reactors are nice and wouldn't mind those for other places. On that point of radiant power... Has anyone tried to make a power collector conduit part? I have seen many mods that make items wireless powered but even if you could just wire to a collector that gathers power from an emitter then anything could be wireless without a lot of singular mods. Is this even possible?
  3. I'd be interested in seeing a Mechanist's Lair mod. Even a total rebuild/overhaul would be nice just for the simplicity. I recently cleared out as much junk as I could there and it seems to be different as far as building goes. Vault 88 has been a pain as well. With no in game information to speak of, things like power are problematic. The through wall conduits are too short and such. I just haven't figured out how it works yet is all. I saw a mod that massively extends the power emitter range (from 500 to 10k) and have been considering that as a solution. I'd rather not but its not looking like theres a whole lot of options. That said, the massive vault reactors are nice and wouldn't mind those for other places. On that point of radiant power... Has anyone tried to make a power collector conduit part? I have seen many mods that make items wireless powered but even if you could just wire to a collector that gathers power from an emitter then anything could be wireless without a lot of singular mods. Is this even possible? I'll repost this in requests as well.
  4. I had to give this one a kudos and a thank you. I've tried a couple mods that help manage companions but had no joy. One didn't seem to do anything and may have actually been worse. I was unloading 48 round drum mags into Ada before I got this mod just out of sheer frustration. I actually wanted to find a way to kill off my companions because they are so useless. Not related to the previous mods, just the vanilla companion setup. Nothing worse than the dead weight "help" blocking everything you do Ada still gets in my way, usually while searching around, but its rare and pretty much never in a fight or setting up for a shot. This is just with the base mod too, without the other optional mods it supports which are mentioned in the description. Thank you spacefiddle. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15823/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D15823%26preview%3D&pUp=1
  5. I think its unlikely anyone will buy that list so they can high jack a user account to post in the forums or download some files. Its more likely the email addresses will be used to send spam to. Looks like I am among the affected as my account was made almost 6 years ago. As such, I have changed my password of course. :D
  6. We need a companion that will obey, no collision set, and can take on the arcs of the regular companions using a trigger (perhaps an option at the original relative companion location, also keeps the game linear). Companions as they are, wander around starting fights even when told not to (wander off or fight), they step in your direct line of fire all the time, they obstruct your movement and will not get out of the way for he11 nor high water. If it wasn't for the unique story arcs they provide I'd never take them at all. Please, can anyone help?
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