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About HazardHighlanders2011

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  1. how do i go about verifying the files? EDIT: nevermind i figured it out, it said one file wasn't validated (i'm assuming knights.esp) andwould be reaquired, but i start the game nothing changes. oh well guess i'll uninstall again.
  2. no i didn't run CCleaner after uninstall. i've uninstalled/reinstalled before and never had this problem. and how do i uninstall something i never had to install in the first place? you don't have to install the official mods with the goty versions (for the pc anyway) since they're already in the game when you install it. do i just disable it then do what you said?
  3. yeah it's activated but the codes you gave don't work. the game acts like KOTN doesn't exist even though it's there. i uninstalled then installed a few days before, but that never had an effect before.also in wrye bash i noticed that for oblivion.esm and the SI and Knights esps they don't say that the author is bethesda but someone else? what's with that? is that related to why kotn won't work?
  4. if there is a similar topic like mine redirect me to it and delet this topic. anyways it seems KOTN just doesn't work. the other official mods work (at least as far as giving me the popup messages telling me about them, i assume they work fine) but kotn does nothing, it's installed but the game acts like it isn't. does anyone know why? it has never happened to me before. I only have a few mods at the moment since i just installed the game again. mostly ones for performance. (like operation optimization, low poly grass, oblivion stutter remover and a few others.) only non performance mod i have at the time is alternative start (where you start out on a ship and fill out some papers and choose your destination) i'm in front of anvil chapel. no priest out front, no guard telling me to stay away, no bodies/blood inside. nothing.. no idea what the cause is. what can i do to fix this? it's incredibly frustrating. i was looking forward to playing kotn: revelations but i can't now. any help will be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance. i'm also using the steam goty deluxe edition if that helps you at all. could it be corrupted? if so, how and why?
  5. wow. how would deleting a random falling dragon corpse take out a section of the college? very strange indeed. do you have any mods that might have done something to the college and/or dragons to cause this? like compatibilities with other mods or something? if not it's probably one of the random game bugs that bethesda is so infamous for....
  6. never mind. i managed to fix it!!!!! all i did was download the latest fose loader from the fose website and used it to replace the loader i already had and somehow it fixed it!! :):):)
  7. i'm using the current 1.2 beta 2 (which is supposedly stable) now the problem i'm having is that the program closes because "a component for fose is no longer working" or something like that. i think i might have encountered this same problem (or at least a similar problem that kept fose from working) the last time i played the game last year or 2 ago, i managed to fix it. but because my memory sucks so much i can't remember what i did to make it work. any suggestions? i've checked the last 20 pages of the f03 tech support forum but all the topics with fose in the title either had nothing to do with my problem or if they did the fixes listed didn't work for me. moved fallout 3 to outside program files (moved the fo3 goty folder back to the steam common folder and then used the junction trick too. didn't work. ). no idea what else to do. and just so you know i do indeed have both user32.dll and kernel32.dll on my computer. also i set it to compatibility mode with win 7 and set to run as admin. hopefully the info i provided narrows down the problem a bit. thanks in advance. also should i downgrade to a previous version of FOSE? would that help at all?
  8. I have FO3 and I love it. but i don't have New Vegas but I'd bet I'd love it too. i think some of the people who hate it are people who expected fallout 3 to be like the first 2, they hate the Bethesda made games because to them they are crappy first person shooters that aren't made in the way the first 2 main games are. but some people like fo3 more or NV more or like both. but i haven't really heard of a lot of people hating NV. (mostly because i don't get involved with the Fallout community myself and have no idea what most people think)If anything, from what I've read in chat, most seem to prefer New Vegas, but that's a small percentage of people so you really can't go by that. i guess it's some people like either the wild west-ish themed feel or FO3 feel (whatever you can call it) better. But as i said i haven't played NV myself so there isn't much i can say. my opinion probably doesn't count but i threw my two cents in anyway. also welcome to the forums! i hope you have a good time here. i should get involved in the forums more myself.
  9. deep and meaningful. which is what i come to expect from a great writer like you.
  10. your english seems fine to me.
  11. yeah me too, i get most of my morrowind mods from there. i wonder if it's because of fileplanet closing down?
  12. for the last few days when i try to download a file that isn't a direct download from there it takes me to ign which gives me a 404 page not found. this makes PES almost useless now. and a lot of good mods (including a lot of my favorites) have been lost. are there any other good sites to download mods? i suppose i'll have to stick to the nexus for now though.
  13. a big fan of the sims series i see. how much did you pay for them?
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