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About Windfireknight

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Happy New Year.... Live well, love daily and treat others with respect, stay safe, take care love ya Naomi xxxxx
  2. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year :)
  3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.
  4. out of m inspiration got to play some luminous arc to get ïnspiration"
  5. its the one in guard armor
  6. Trying to cinvince myself that i exist
    1. Brittn


      you do....that writting is proof :3
  7. Jacobus Winterhand : well these things smell even worse than wet wookies ugh why does the shivering isles got these grummites
  8. Sorry Jake, I just got back from the ER, I was there all day for them the realign my heart rhythm, I will Talk to you tomorrow, See ya soon pal :)
  9. from now on i shall edit the first post with the story for easyer reading
  10. Thx wushin if you'd like could you desribe what you see as image from the story and the way its written
  11. quick hide the dunmer the imeprials are coming
  12. Sir Vivor in Balmora 13th of Loredas As Sir Vivor finally broke the barrel open, he found himself in Balmora beign confused as ever he walked towards the tavern. his companion beign missing his sence of time ruined. After entering the tavern he saw a bunch of familiar looking dunmer at a table, as he walked by he nodded and sat at a empty table near the fire. Suddenly the familiar looking dunmers joined, him at the table and started to talk about a revolution going on in the capital city. As they spoke it became dark and weird noises could be heard, and as soon as the noice started the bartender and the guards locked all enterances. And took up defensive positions, as confused as Sir vivor was he grabbed his sword gave the dunmer some spare weapons and joined the guards in defensive position. as soon as the moon shined bright onto the street, the citizens transformed into feral beasts and howled at the moon. As they stood there shivering in fear, one of the beasts broke a window and tried to get inside as the guard enarby kept stabbing his sword through the beast. As the beast clawed the sword away and the guard stepped back, i rushed forward to piecre the beasts skull in a single thrust. One of the guards yelled: these bloody wolves since the old temple opened they keep apeparing from everywhere. And then it became dawn and sir vivor and, the people in the tavern went outside to find the city damaged and some citizens dead.
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