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About herooftime1000

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  1. The My Little Pony followers, a hair mod, and a master sword mod. That's all.
  2. I played with my ATI settings and upgraded it as you said. I even put the files in the main folder and the root folder of where they are supposed to be. Nothing. Still bloody nothing. I'm at a loss... I'm sorry. Thank you for helping me.
  3. Sorry, nothing. No mesh, no texture, just script. The mods themselves do work to a degree, but they are invisible. Is there anything else?
  4. All of the mods that I download that uses meshes and textures just do not show. It's completely invisible. I've tried everything, NMM and SKSE, reinstalling the game and mods THREE times and adjusting my graphics card. Nothing works! Please help me, for the love of everything holy, I want to play Skyrim again! I use ATI Radeon HD 6450. Please help me out. I should also mention that I have the Legendary edition and the Update esm as well.
  5. I don't know if this is a bug, a glitch, or whatnot, but despite my efforts to run the Pony Companion mod on skse_loader and NMM, it all works, but the ponies just do not show up. I'm at a lose. I tried everything and nothing works. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. My graphics card is ATI Radeon HD 6054... http://i43.tinypic.com/sqs4s9.png
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