I don't believe what I mentioned to be derailment as this is a reason why people discuss this 'discussed to death issue'. If the staff looked at any cases of people crying out how unfair their situations were and intervened chances are this discussion wouldn't be mentioned so much. I also believe it's ethically wrong because it doesn't treat everyone on an even level. Are popular mod authors able to break the rules multiple times and finally be banned, whereas first offence users are more likely to be perma'd? Theres a certain mod author I remember (who i won't name for dignity reasons) who has been banned after being very toxic to the community for a long time. 1. These users would be exempt this situation because, well, they don't comment, and therefore wouldn't be liable to being blocked yes? 2. Users who provide constructive feedback are crucial to modding databases. What's a game without game testers? These people are usually key to fixing/finding issues, giving great suggestions and opinions, and most of all their thanks and positive feelings towards the mod authors. Negative feedback shouldn't be construed as abusive, not everyone will suckup to a mod author, and maybe if it seems that a negative criticism is toxic, its probably because they care and are serious about the mods success. Categories 2, 3, and 4 are almost interchangeable with varied participation. This also means they're just as susceptible to being blocked for unfair reasons by mod authors. The point I'm making is that unfair blocking should be moderated. If not, it allows mod authors to grow their egos and become the very same people they despise. 5. Mod authors; if a mod author unfairly blocked me, a mod creator, and proceeds to explain how hes worth more than I am because he published more mods than I have, and that they're 'more popular' (which is an opinion), where do I stand? This problem isn't users only, it affects everyone. I acknowledge that there's many authors that do in fact take criticisms and are hard working, but I'm hoping the elephant in the room would be addressed, the toxic mod authors. Even they should be accountable. These are my thoughts on the subject.