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About sigilmint

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  1. I'm completely new at this forum business, but I feel it is of the utmost importance to have a mod that plays Tim Wilson's "Booty Song" all the way through, every time a player successfully steals something. This is the only mod I think I'll ever need to request.
  2. Oh no! That's terrible news. :/ I know modding is much stronger for DA: O than it is for DA2, but that's really sad to hear about DA: I... my friend and I are committed to replacing a certain character's voice.
  3. Awesome! I definitely know it's a daunting task, but there's a character in DA: I that we already know we want to replace the voice of, so I was thinking that if I can wrap my head around a project like this, then it won't be so intense when DA: I comes out (provided it's super mod-able...) Thank you both so much for your help~
  4. Thanks for pointing out that resource! His videos are awesome, and I've just watched almost all of his dragon age-related ones. The toolset seems to be extremely reminiscent of NWN's toolset, which I taught myself back in the day, so hopefully it shouldn't be too hard to manage. My question is how to go about editing a specific, preexisting NPC's voice. For example, if I want to record a friend saying every line Alistair has in the game, and then assign that audio to Alistair, is that possible?
  5. I'm not sure where else to post this, but I know the modding community is still really strong for DA: O, and I know someone here will have some kind of answer for me. I was wondering if it's possible to replace a character's entire voice set with new audio. I know there are some mods like this for the player character, regarding the "ladder" comment, but my goal is to do a serious recording session with a friend and redo an entire npc's lines, importing them into the game. My end-goal is to do this for Dragon Age Inquisition with a certain character, but obviously there's not much we know about DA: I's setup as far as how much modding is supported. Is it possible to do it within DA: O or DAII? Do we think it might be possible in DA: I? Thank you so much in advance for all the help! (Sidenote--I'm really dedicated to learning how to do this! I've only played around with face morphs, before this, so I am still really new, but I would definitely want to learn how to get this in and sorted out.)
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