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Everything posted by t0mm06

  1. Anyone else think it'd be really cool to have a companion power armour robot that you could travel with but also get inside? Also i saw someone here months ago building a mech style power armour, anyone know who that was? Thanks and discuss
  2. Hey So i'm starting to put together a list of mods in preparation for the enhanced version of skyrim. so i've always had Bijins Warmaidens to improve the followers, and i now see there are a lot more, which retexture most of the women in the game. So i'm looking for mods which do the same with the males of the game (for visual consistency). I've not really found any which i think are of the same level at the moment. So i was wondering if anyone knew of any? Thanks in advance.
  3. I would have said making skyrim actually winter, but there are mods that do this now. But i think my most wanted mod would be to build your own faction/guild. to be able to build a fort, recruit... recruits, and actually have this implemented into the story (i know there are mods which can replicate some of this) but ideally i would want it to be implemented like, you can build your faction and send them out to protect towns, choose to defend whiterun from the stormcloaks without the empire, OR choose to use your faction to help out the stormcloaks or empire. Maybe even expand the fort to have a trading post/small town. which brings in money (which you can use to expand your fort) (I imagine there would be the steward option who would run these things for you much like how you have a household steward in hearthfire)
  4. Then just use FNIS? I've been using FNIS since it came out and it's never bugged out or anything ever. I've also never heard of other people having troubles with it either. You're overcomplicating things by being paranoid about it. No they're not, adding new animation to skyrim is fairly difficult to start with, adding new groups (such as some one handed weapons using one type and another using a different type) is probably one of the more difficult thing to do modding wise. I mean think about it for a bit, this type of thing (katana animation, broadsword animations, new animations for guns) is something loads of people have asked for in the past 2 years since the game has come out, and yet no one has made it yet. The reason? its too difficult... Also there is no need to be rude to someone who was just trying to inform you of the difficulties of what you were asking
  5. Hey guys so i've built this over the past day, gunna aim to have it textured with normal and specular maps by tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone would add it into game for me? I only have maya on my computer and currently have really bad internet so i cant get 3D studio Max on my computer for a while. (i've looked into how to do it in the past hour and will be able to do it if no one else does (if people want it) but it will take me a while to get into a position where i can be bothered to download 3Ds Max) Edit* Ohh thought i already wrote this, but this helmet is based off the design from the helmet seen in the promotional stuff from Dragon age Inquisition.
  6. Thats the one (drags) Thanks, i've no idea how ive missed it so many times whilst searching!
  7. Hey I found an armor mod the other day that added a bunch of armor to the game, one of the armors looked a lot like the dark knight batman armor, but there were some other really cool armors in the mod, but i cant find it any more, Does anyone know this mod? Thanks in advance
  8. Hey guys, basically i think it'd be really cool to have thorin oakenshields oak brance shield as a shield in skyrim, basically that.
  9. Looks sweet, defiantly going to download if/when you bring it out.
  10. Hey, is it possible/would anyone want to make it so followers are recruit-able to factions the player joins, lke how you do it for the blades but for the companions or the thieves guild, or stomecloaks and imperials ect.
  11. I really want something like this to be made. Except in my head it would play better as if the dovahkin was making more of an army to protect the lands from dragons and other potential threats, sort of like a 'dovah guard' type thing. I've actually been looking into forts and castles that could hold a lot of companions combining one of these forts, with Followers can relax, UFO and my home if your home. and you could make a sort of army of followers all ready to protect the lands.
  12. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/126602 so the models done. the next stage is making the animations Can anyone point me to a tutorial or give instructions as to where the animation files are kept in the skyrim directory?
  13. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/125255 Right so its almost finished, just need to sort out the UVs of the handle a bit and neaten up/replace some of the textures. but this is basically what it'll look like. I've not actually got skyrim on this machine (its very old) and wont be getting my new PC for a few weeks. So anyone who want this in game as a normal sword can PM me and i can send you the obj files if you can get it in game. I'll be looking at a lot of tutorials and mods until i get my new PC, trying to learn how to get new animation in game. (i'll start with player replacement animations for one or two handed, then see what i can do about introducing a new weapon class)
  14. yeh its actually about 9000 :S but it'll only take me an hour or so to pretty much half that. (i still think 4000-5000 is very high for a single sword, but a lot of the biggest sword mods range from 6000 up to like 24000) and considering this is going to be a single sword (only avaliable for the player or follower) even 9000 shouldnt really hit your FPS.
  15. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/124919 Pretty much finished the model now, just starting to add textures
  16. Well i know its possible to get animation files into skyrim, as there are new animations, (i know these are mostly replacers) but there are a few that add new ones, and i know quite a few people who are better at scripting then me, so i am confident that we can get it done. it only took a few people at Bethesda a week to get crossbows in game (if you look at that video they made just after skyrim came out of loads of cool stuff they added for fun) so im confident that even if i cant do it, one of the scripters i know will be ale too.
  17. yeh i think the longest and hardest part of this mod's going to be basically making a new class/type of weapon. I might have to look into the Dawnguard files (once i get it) to see how they scripted the crossbow, use that as a starting point
  18. Ohh i know it'll be difficult. and it'll probably start with a basic change of player animation for one handed or two handed weapons. But there have been mods which added rifles and pistols to the game, before the crossbow was here. So it defiantly is possible to add new classes of weapons to the game, with custom animations, and i'm more then capable of the animation. and the scripting (seeing as somethig like it has already been done) would be a lot of me taking pre existing script and editing it.
  19. Hey i thought i'd upload this WIP of a sword im making. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/124526/ So its a bastard sword based on Ned Starks sword from the TV version of game of thrones (NOT ICE!!) Just need to texture it and add maps to it, then learn how to add it to skyrim. But my main goal after the sword is done is to make and add some custom animations for it as a proper bastard sword, not really that usable as a one handed but not quite a 2 handed either.
  20. so i read this not long ago and whilst it may be a bit whiny, i think the writer does make a few good points, it really doesn't seem that cold in skyrim http://www.gameranx.com/features/id/4880/article/winter-isn-t-coming-why-i-don-t-believe-skyrim-is-cold/ Just a warning its a long winded article so i'll just recap (unless you feel you really want to know the whole thing) Skyrim doesn't feel cold enough, whilst there may be snow and the people dont react like its cold. I think the main problem is the majority of armors or clothing people wear even if they have fur on them have short sleeves or done have proper trousers. i think that an easy fix for this is applying the winter is coming cloaks to more NPCs thought out the world. and maybe other cloaks, but also some of the fur hoods and bear/wolf pelts that some of the armors have around there necks. I think skyrim could also do with the snow creeping in a bit further south as well. more snow on the ground, down to Whiterun.
  21. Hi this is more of a statment then a real request, but i thought a really good idea for a mod was to give NPCs some of the fur cloaks for the 'winter is coming' mod and just generally making there outfits fit better with the coldness of skyrim. Furs, cloaks, more people in armour. i think these things could really add to the atmosphere of the game. Opinions? (and or a post telling me there is already a mod for this, making me feel dumb :P)
  22. Yeh i searched both of these to no avail, which is a shame because the crossed arms is actually an animation that already exists.
  23. Hi, I've seen a lot of images in game of characters standing with there sword resting on there shoulder, or arms crossed and things like that. So my request is either is there a mod out there that changed the idle standing animation to having your arms crossed, or if not could anyone make one?
  24. Hey just though a cool idea to put out there would be for a player character to have a bird of prey that they can use to go and fetch stuff/hunt. thats is all
  25. Im surprised this post hasnt had more interest, there seems to be a big crowed pushing for more LOTRs stuff in skyrim, and this armour is awesome, nor just a realistic heavy armour but it looks great too (would be great as a replacement for the legion i think)
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